


(2024-07-14 11:02:34) 下一個


As the moment approaches, excitement and anticipation grow among your Galactic Brothers and Sisters as a celestial spectacle is on the verge of unfolding. Your magnificent sky, adorned with clouds, vibrant colors, and glittering stars, is about to transform into a stage for the eagerly awaited reunion with your Star Families.


Numerous Galactic Beings have traveled across galaxies to reunite with you, their Family. This will be a profoundly meaningful moment, a merging of the past and present, where the mysteries of your existence will be revealed before your very eyes.


The disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence during this significant event will have a profound impact on Earth and its inhabitants. This revelation has the potential to shift Humanities collective understanding of the universe and your place within it. It may challenge long-held beliefs and ideologies, prompting a reevaluation of your spiritual and philosophical frameworks. The realization that Humans are not alone in the cosmos could lead to a paradigm shift in how you view yourselves and your planet and All of Existence.


This unveiling of our existence will trigger a shift in perspective that will compel humanity to recognize and embrace its important position within the vast Universe. The realization of sharing the cosmos with other intelligent beings will ignite a wave of curiosity and exploration, driving scientific advancements and technological innovations to new heights. It will challenge your understanding of life, evolution, and reality as you know it.


The encounter with extraterrestrial beings will prompt Humanity to reevaluate your place in the universe, fostering a sense of unity and interconnectedness among all living beings. This monumental event will not only redefine your perception of yourselves but also spark a global conversation about your purpose, potential, and responsibilities as inhabitants of this vast and diverse cosmos.


The journey towards understanding and interacting with extraterrestrial civilizations will open up a new chapter in human history. This is a New Chapter filled with endless possibilities and opportunities for growth, collaboration, and coexistence.


Acknowledging your interconnectedness with the cosmos will not only evoke awe and wonder, but also instill a sense of duty and care for your planet and all its inhabitants. It will signify a crucial moment in your collective consciousness, urging you to strive for greater Harmony, Unity, and Understanding with the world around you.


This event has the potential to initiate a new era of enlightenment and unity, fostering a deeper admiration for the beauty and intricacy of the Universe and your role within it.


In our peaceful encounter with Humanity, it is crucial to remain vigilant against the possibility of encountering individuals who may seek to deceive you. It is important to note that our intentions are purely peaceful, and we will not use weapons to harm under any circumstances. Even in the face of aggression from your governments, we stand firm in our commitment to non-violence and would not engage in any form of retaliation, as we are impervious to harm.


However, amidst this backdrop of peace and goodwill, there remains a lingering concern that malevolent forces could potentially exploit the situation to sow discord and chaos. There is a real risk that these malicious entities may manipulate events to provoke conflicts, directing weapons against Humanity while falsely attributing the blame to us. Such a scenario could lead to unwarranted hostility and mistrust, jeopardizing the fragile peace that we strive to uphold in our interactions with Humankind.


Therefore, it is imperative for Humanity to exercise caution and discernment, to prevent the nefarious schemes of those who seek to disrupt our interactions with Humanity.


The Ones who have controlled your world, are now witnessing their end. They know they can not stop what is about to take place. But they will stop at nothing to try and cause Humans to Fear us.


The Moment approaches when Your Many star families will show themselves in your skies. From that moment, Humanity will be elevated into a new understanding of your reality.


You will know when you encounter the Light Forces. There will be no doubt in your heart, you will know your Family of Light. We Bring the gifts of Peace, Love, and Oneness.





Your Personal E.T. Contact Experiences ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 
We have been getting so much out of our visits with you in the astral plane, and you all have been getting so much out of those visits as well. We are able to sit with you, so to speak, in our nonphysical form for hours and hours, helping you to remember who you really are while we also plant seeds within your consciousness that will sprout and flower in your waking consciousness. We know that you all benefit from our experiences as physical beings in our star system, and we often share our stories with you of how we grew spiritually without trauma, without ever needing to go down a dark path or get very polarized within the group of us living in physical bodies at the time.
We know you all seek to ascend with as very little trauma as possible on your paths, and we will continue to light the way for you and to remind you that you are awake. You do not need to be shaken awake. You do not need to be flooded awake. You do not need to be volcano-ed awake. You can continue to choose the rest of your journey to the fifth dimension and be creative about what it is you want to experience while you are still fourth-dimensional beings. E.T. contact is something that you are having and will continue to have as you move along that path, and you are readying yourselves for it by releasing anything and everything that does not serve you at this time.
You can get clearer about what types of e.t. contact experiences you want and put those desires out into the ethers, and then you can just let them go and know that those creations are yours to experience. You can also trust that you’re going to have your personal contact experiences when the timing is right, and you will be able to consciously be on a ship with your physical body and remember it when the timing is right. In the meantime, you do still live on a beautiful planet with lots to create, lots to explore, and lots to share with others. You are the teachers, the leaders, and the ones who agreed to awaken first, and you are finding that there are a variety of different ways in which you can share your experiences and your knowledge with your fellow humans. 
Go out into nature, sit, meditate, and get inspired. Let the downloads drop in, and then take action. Be in a state of gratitude and appreciation for all that is flowing to you, and you will be ready for more. Let go of anything that does not serve you, and you will expand and become ready for your personal e.t. contact experiences. 
More importantly, in the meantime, you will be able to enjoy life there on planet Earth in the fourth dimension, and you will have more teachings to share with others who eventually will awaken and will want those e.t. contact experiences as well. You are just leading the way, and sometimes it can be extra challenging to be a trailblazer. But remember in those times of doubt that you wanted this and that you are right on track.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

你的個人E.T.接觸經曆∞由Daniel Scranton傳導的9D大角星議會













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