


(2024-05-14 01:32:53) 下一個

Dear ones, we want you to clearly understand the current events unfolding on Earth amidst widespread disinformation. You may be unaware of the impending changes.
Solar activity is intensifying, leading to more frequent and powerful solar flares. These flares, large explosions on the sun’s surface, release intense bursts of electromagnetic energy, causing geomagnetic storms that are currently altering Earth’s energy grid. Initially impacting the planet’s atmosphere, these changes subtly yet significantly alter the planetary grid. Every 11 years, the sun experiences a dramatic transformation as its magnetic poles reverse. During these peak periods, the solar system witnesses an extraordinary display of solar fireworks. A solar magnetic reversal is a significant event because the light received during this time transforms human consciousness and reopens channels for new forms of communication. Interestingly, despite predictions of communication disruptions, this period has instead activated ancient portals, enhancing your ability to establish telepathic connections with beings like us.
This phase also marks the end of the Earth’s cycle and the beginning of a new era. It is a time for introspection and making significant life changes to adapt to the new vibrations. Continuing as before will be impossible. You must reduce your density by curbing your desires, which are dense thought forms that weigh down your system. It is now crucial to adopt a lighter diet, increase water intake, engage in more meditation, and recognize that energy is omnipresent and nourishing. Understand that old beliefs do not align with the new paradigm. You are not here merely to survive; you are here to create. Let go of perceived obligations and embrace activities that bring you genuine joy. Adjust your vibration through affirmations, yoga, breathwork, dancing, and music. This period is also for acknowledging and accepting intense emotions as part of your transformation, rather than rejecting them and allowing them to linger in your system.
New opportunities are emerging. Dear one, are you ready to step forward? We cherish our connection with you and remain ever-present.
來自:Octavia Vasile

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