Edison Diamond Disc
Chong, He is from Hong Kong
1919 Harold Weeks
Little Al lee Fo Chong played all day in an oriental way,
In a swell Chinese Café,
But Al lee loved his rag the same as you,
And ev’ry evening when his work was thru,
Al lee layed his Tom Tom down,
Pretty soon you’d hear this sound:
“Chong, he come from Hong Kong where
Chineeman play alleeday on a drum,
Chong no likee that song,
where Chineeman cry way up high,
singee sungay, mungay, chickalickafungay,
Chong go back to Hong Kong,
I betcha he teachee his Chinagirl to dance,
like in a trance, Teachee peachee
Melican song, all day long to his
Chinagirl in old Hong Kong. Kong”
Little Al lee Fo Chong sailed away on the liner “Sakoshay,”
For his home port far away,
He said “When I come back I bringee bride,
You see a China maiden by my side,
Al lee know she wait for he,
Ev’ry day so patiently.”