
I love you, dad.

(2023-11-10 08:11:08) 下一個

I love you, dad.


No matter how old one gets, one always thinks that your parents would never leave you. And when they did, one still can’t believe it, how could this happen? And yet, it’s true, that’s what parents do, they leave so we can grow up. Like the first day of school, they left me kicking and screaming on the ground. They turned away, so I had to face what’s in front of me by myself and grow up.


Fortunately, my dad was born into a well to do family in northern China at a time when starvation was the daily struggle for lots of people, but he was protected and well loved.


Unfortunately, my dad was born in a time when WW II exploded in Asia, Europe, and Africa. However, the violence in China was not all brought by the Axis powers. The communism revolution had started in rural area of northern China before anyone realized it’s happening.


Fortunately, my dad had the chance to pursue education in southern China.


Unfortunately, my dad at age 15, had to leave everyone he loved and go to Nanjing for school. Unbeknown to him, that was also the last time he saw his parents, and it’d be 40 years until he visited his hometown again.


Fortunately, my dad had a cousin who went with him. Nanjing, meaning the South Capital, had been the capital of China for six dynasties. Two teenage boys excited on embarking a journey to the historical city.


Unfortunately, the civil war raging through China was like a shadow following them everywhere, sometimes even overtook them and forced them at gunpoint to turn into the mountains to avoid been captured by the red army.


Fortunately, there’s a group of teachers and students share the same belief that if their hometown was controlled by communist government, it’s not safe for them to return. They fled by train or on foot, they didn’t have shelter at night, they didn’t have food for days, but they always had the desire to learn, and the teachers were always there to guide.


Unfortunately, the communist party won the civil war.


Fortunately, they followed the last group of retrieving armies cross the border into Vietnam.


Unfortunately, the French colonial government in Vietnam kept them as Prisoners of War for 5 years, with very little rice and no extra clothes for growing bodies. They were treated like rats in the ghetto under the threat of China.


Fortunately, they thrived in learning the classic Chinese literature, math, and even some English.


Fortunately, with a well-coordinated 3-day hunger strike started on Christmas Day 1951. Their wish of NOT been sent back to China, they want to go to Taiwan, were heard throughout the free world. They arrived in Taiwan in 1953.


Fortunately, my dad continued his pursuit of higher education and became a teacher in Taiwan.


Fortunately, my dad met lots of kind people in Taiwan who welcomed him to their homes.


Fortunately, my dad married an intelligent, resilient, beautiful, amazing woman, together they built their own family from scrapes. They both worked their fingers to the bone. They provided my brother and me the education and opportunities they were never given.


Fortunately, 40 years after leaving China, my dad was able to visit home and reconnect with his brother and sisters who survived the Culture revolution of China.


Fortunately, my dad always believed in the value of education and encouraged me to go as far as I can, he assured me that he and my mom would always be there for me.


Fortunately, he was with us for as long as he could manage. 


Fortunately, dad, you were my dad.


I love you and I miss you already.



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碼農學寫字 回複 悄悄話 回複 '梧桐之丘' 的評論 : 謝謝梧桐。動筆的時候,不知道說什麽,寫著寫著,文字自己跳出來,帶我回憶,讓我感恩。
碼農學寫字 回複 悄悄話 回複 '可能成功的P' 的評論 : 謝謝可可。人到中年,看見不少別人的生離死別,到了自己身上,痛是不一樣的。
梧桐之丘 回複 悄悄話 早年的諸多不幸還來後來的大量幸運,人的一生總在“幸”與“不幸”之間絞纏。碼農以特殊的方式紀念父親,其情也深,其意也深。願他老人家天堂之靈能聽到女兒的呼喚,而永安。
可能成功的P 回複 悄悄話 Beautifully written! 生命就是充滿了幸運和不幸的交替吧?最終還是幸運居多,就是人生財富了。詩意語言緬懷父親,深情流淌。