


(2022-08-03 05:54:36) 下一個


I absolutely love this book! It’s the kind of book that you read and find yourself nodding along to, and then thinking about during the day, and then realising this example fits here and that situation is like that, and oh! It is a great book that every introvert(and of course, extrovert) should read! I have added it to my daughter’s reading list.


This book brings to the surface all the past grievances and hardships an introverted child and then a pseudo-extrovert will have likely experienced. By reading this book, I am able to understand myself better, as an introvert and accept my behaviors without feeling being timid/shyness/prefer to stay alone from time to time is not quite right. The author has done a great job at putting to rest the idea that introversion is an inherently negative thing, to be valued in its own right similar to extroversion (without elevating or denigrating either).

Sometimes I feel this society is for extroverts, especially in Norther America. I have tried to read many known books to enhance my social and interpersonal skills, name a few, never eat alone, super connector etc. however those are skills that I acquire and cope with the society, not who am I and may not come naturally. I have doubted myself many times maybe I am just not trying hard enough.  Well, after reading this book, I would challenge anybody who makes me feel like it's not okay to be the way I am and would explain that even though I am quiet, the world still needs people like me just as much as it needs people that can grab attention from everybody in a room. It’s absolutely fine of needing down-time and respect the fact that I need quiet time to recharge at home or in a calm and cozy setting. 


This book provides many life stories, talks about culture differences: Asian vs Norther America; even offers informative resources to cope with introvert children at the end. I feel released that I did what exactly suggested in the book to cope with ab introvert kid and I am glad my daughter is growing out of early childhood anxieties and becoming a more confident and open hearted young lady. yes, still introvert, but that’s not going to stop anybody to achieve what they need to achieve in life armed with self-acceptance.


A long, but an excellent read!

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