


(2022-09-29 23:29:36) 下一個

陳叔涵 2022年9月30日






事物的合法性是指事物的法律屬性,就是在取得某種實物、權利、名分時所采取之手段、方式的正當性。該手段、方式的正當性要麽基於天理或公理,要麽就基於法律。從邏輯意義上而言,事物的合法性是針對獲取事物的手段或方式而言的,離開了這二者,事物的合法性就從根本上不能成立。比如,我們不能說錢合法或非法,因為錢本身無所謂合法與非法,它是中性的,隻能說取得錢的手段或方式、途徑合法與否。某人說他的財產是合法的,其邏輯含義就是指他獲取財產的手段或方式、途徑是合法的。依此類推,房子、權利、名分都是中性的,談其法律屬性的時候,隻能看獲得房子、權利、名分的手段、方式是否合法。考察任何事物的合法性,都必須先審因,再查果,絕對不可導果為因。隻有在因合法的前提下,果才可能具有合法性 。也就是說,隻有在前提正確的情況下,結論才可能正確。什麽是合法性的因呢,就是上述的二個因素:方式、手段,即,前提;什麽是合法性的果呢,就是由因導致的結局,即,結論。這就是本文判定合法性的邏輯依據。








































On the Legitimacy of the Chinese Communist Regime

By Chen Shuhan September 30,2022

Communist China is the most bizarre country in the world, second to none. There is no other country in the world like Communist China declaring every year, every month, even every day that its regime is legitimate and the only one representing China! Anyone who lives in Communist China, no matter in which level of social stratum, I am afraid, such words had long made his ear callous. However, the people of the Communist country never think about it: does a country need to talk about the legitimacy of its regime all the time? Legal is legal and illegal is illegal, and the legitimacy is determined not by propaganda but by facts. If it is illegal, can it be made legal by constant propaganda? If it's legal, why advertise it for years? Where on earth do a man and woman with a marriage certificate claim to be a legal couple all day long? If a regime has to rely on years and years of propaganda to prove its legitimacy to the world, then there must be something wrong with the legitimacy of this regime: either it is illegal, or it is worried that the world will doubt its legitimacy, or it is competing with others for legitimacy! It is like a man who spends all his time telling others that his villa was bought rather than robbed or cheated and that he is the only legitimate owner of the villa. If he does not say so, outsiders will not deliberately inquire how he got his villa. If he keeps making such claims, people will inevitably suspect that either his villa comes from a wrong source, or someone else also claims to be the rightful owner of the villa!

The legitimacy issue of the Chinese Communist regime has been plaguing the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) since the day it was established, embarrassing it endlessly, and even to this day, the CCP cannot face up to the regime it holds. The fundamental reason is that the CCP cannot face the way it seized power: extremely bloody violence! This is why the CCP has put itself in a dilemma: If the CCP insists that it is legal to seize power by violence, then the people of following generations can take over the CCP's power by violence too; if the CCP believes that it is illegal to seize power by violence, it is tantamount to admitting that its regime is illegal, then the foundation of its rule is in danger of collapsing and the Chinese people will dismantle the CCP’s regime at any time. Knowing the pain in the heart of the CCP, it is logical to understand why the CCP has been so deliberately engaged in slavishly educating the people, shamelessly falsifying history, unscrupulously suppressing political dissidents, and maintaining stability at all costs for more than 70 years, no other purpose: the regime in its hands is illegal, and it must be preserved by all means!

Legitimacy refers to the legal properties of things, that is, the rightfulness of way or means taken in acquiring a certain thing, right, or title. The legitimacy of such a way or means is either based on natural or public justice, or law. In a logical sense, the legitimacy of a thing is tied to the way or the means, and without these two factors, legitimacy cannot be fundamentally established. For example, we can't say money is legal or illegal because money itself is indifferent to legality or illegality, it is neutral, and we can only say that the means or manner or way to obtain money is legal or not. When someone says his property is legal, the logical implication is that the means manner, or way of acquiring his property is legal. By analogy, house, rights, and title are neutral too, and when talking about their legal properties, we can only look at whether the means or way to obtain them is legal or not.  To examine the legitimacy of anything, we must first examine the cause and then check the effect, and we must never lead the effect to be the cause. Only under the premise that the cause is legitimate can the effect have legitimacy. In other words, the conclusion can only be correct if the premise is correct. What is the cause of legitimacy then? It is the two factors mentioned above: way or means, i.e., the premise; what is the effect of legitimacy? It is the result or end produced by the cause, i.e., the conclusion. This is the logical basis for determining legitimacy in this essay.

When we say that a regime is legitimate or illegitimate, the logical implication is that the means or methods of acquiring that regime are legitimate or not. How do we determine the legitimacy of a regime? Again, following the above logic, we first examine whether the cause [act, manner, means] of acquiring a regime is legitimate, and then conclude whether the regime is legitimate. Then, what is the specific cause for determining the legitimacy of a regime? It is very simple too, first, by inheritance. For example, the Republic of China inherits the territory and sovereignty left by the Qing Empire (1644-1911), as evidenced by the imperial edict of the Qing Emperor; second, by the election, or the mandate of the people, the regimes in Europe, the United States, and other developed countries have generally established this way; third, through service, that is, the government makes the people happy and satisfied, such as Singapore, the government has served the people very well, the people only accept this government. It can be seen that the legitimacy of a regime comes either from an inheritance, from an election or by serving the people to their pleasure and satisfaction. Any regime that meets one of these three conditions is legitimate; otherwise, it is illegitimate, and this is the objective criterion for measuring the legitimacy of a regime. Here I will use this criterion to judge whether the Chinese Communist regime is legitimate or not.

Is the Chinese Communist regime inherited? No, because there is no relevant succession literature to support it; was the CCP regime elected? No, because the Chinese Communist Party neither got the consent of the people before launching the civil war nor gave the people the ballot after overthrowing the legitimate Republican government through tragic war, not to mention that a general election has never existed in Communist China so far. To this day, the vast majority of Chinese people have never seen what a ballot looks like, and the very few who have seen what a ballot looks like were appointed by the CCP; has the CCP regime served the Chinese people so well and so comfortably that the people only accept the CCP? Not at all! In real life, ordinary people fear the officials like a tiger, that the people serve the officials and people are driven by the officials is the norm of life, and no people dare to ask the officials to provide service, the scene of the officials serving the people can only be seen on CCTV news, which is completely a show, you know!

Legitimacy obtained by a regime through excellent services to its people is essentially the legitimacy of governing. The Chinese Communist Party gained power by violently overthrowing the legitimate government, and such a regime is certainly illegal. However, if the CCP treated the Chinese people well after seizing power, it would have been possible to gradually cleanse the black regime. For example, officials at all levels are elected by the people rather than appointed by the Ministry of Organization; farmers are given a permanent share of land; workers can get stable employment and have unemployment insurance; intellectuals are allowed to concentrate on academics and artists can create freely; people can enjoy free medical care and pensions; people can freely criticize the government without fear of being convicted for their words; the Communist Party does not act as leader of Buddha, Christ, or Allah. ...... In short, the Communist Party has given the people what the Kuomintang had given them and offered more; what the Kuomintang had not granted them, the Communist Party has not only granted but granted them well. The standard of living of the mainland people is two or three notches higher than that of the Taiwanese, and they enjoy more human rights, freedom, and democracy than the Taiwanese, in a word, the people are served very comfortably. Then the people are so happy and satisfied that they oblige the CCP to rule them. This is what is often called the legitimacy through service, that is, the legitimacy of ruling is acquired because the service is very good and decent. To use a less appropriate analogy, some man violently takes someone else's legal wife by force, an act that is certainly illegal. However, after this man snatches someone else's wife, he treats her several times better than her previous husband, and not only is the woman satisfied materially, but she is also quite satisfied spiritually. The woman never wants to go back to her ex-husband, because her quality of life is now several notches higher compared to the previous time. In this way, the woman fully approved of the man's possession of her, and the illegal act of using violence to forcibly take another man's wife was whitewashed by the man's subsequent friendly behavior. If the Chinese Communist Party had acted in the same way as this man who forcibly took another man’s wife, then the Chinese Communist Party would have achieved the right goal out of the wrong reason, but the fact proves the opposite is true!

How did the Chinese Communist Party treat the Chinese people after taking power in the mainland by violence? For more than 70 years, the Chinese people have never been served by the CCP. In the eyes of the CCP, the Chinese people are nothing but lambs to be slaughtered. The Chinese Communist Party has never stopped oppressing and enslaving the Chinese people cruelly, and it has killed them more brutally than any foreign invaders. According to a conservative estimate, during the 70-odd years of peacetime, the Chinese Communist Party has killed as many as 80 million people, not including the 40 million people who starved to death during the Great Famine!  The last century saw the Chinese people lose a total of about 20 million lives in the 14-year War of Resistance against Japanese aggression, and during the peaceful years under the rule of the CCP, the number of people killed by the CCP was more than six times that of Japan invading army. I wonder, is there any regime in human history that treats its own people like this? Never before! Even in the previous two centuries, the Western powers were at war with China, such as the Opium Wars against Britain and France, the Sino-French War, and the invasion of China by the Eight-Power Allied Forces, the total number of Chinese dead in these wars is almost negligible compared to the total number of Chinese people killed by the CCP.

Historical facts show that since the CCP established its regime in 1949, China has never again been invaded by foreign powers, and Chinese people have never again been brutalized and enslaved by foreign invaders. However, the CCP has killed and ravaged the Chinese people a thousand times more than the foreign invaders had ever done, and the Chinese people under the rule of the CCP are a thousand times more miserable than when the Western powers colonized China. In short, the CCP has killed, ravaged, and destroyed the Chinese people with such ruthlessness, cruelty, magnitude, and depth of harm that no Western power or foreign invader could ever imagine. If foreign invaders are described as wolves, the CCP is a devil that is a thousand times more vicious than wolves. If the devil in power is legal, the Chinese people would rather have the wolves in power than the CCP, in front of two evils, choose the lesser!

How can a regime that never treats its people as human beings talk about the legitimacy of its rule? The truth is: that under the rule of the Chinese Communist Party, the Chinese people do not even have the most basic human rights, i.e., no freedom of thought, no freedom of speech, and no freedom of belief. In other words, in Communist China, there are only human beings in the biological sense, but not in the political sense. The CCP regime is so evil that no room is left for the legitimacy of its governance!

The legitimacy of a regime involves two main aspects, namely, the legitimacy of the means to obtain a regime and the legitimacy of governing. It is legitimate to get a regime by two means: first, by inheritance, and second, by election, or the mandate of the people. The legitimacy of governing can only be achieved through service, i.e., serving the people to their satisfaction and delight. The above facts are enough to prove that the CCP has neither the legitimacy of the way to get a regime nor the legitimacy of governing. If the Chinese Communist regime is considered legitimate, then there is no justice under the sky: since even violent robbery is legal, and mass murder of people is also legal, and so on, bank robbery is legal, murder is legal, rape is legal, arson is legal ...... all violent crimes in the world are legal, isn't this just plain bandit logic?

Now, it is easy to understand why the CCP has to preach the legitimacy of its regime to the world every day because the very thing the CCP regime lacks is legitimacy! The most absurd thing is that in the face of hard facts, some mainland imperial writers and a bunch of fools still insist on arguing for the CCP. Below I will list two of the most typical arguments for the CCP regime, pointing out their absurdity and thus further proving that the CCP regime is totally illegitimate!

Here comes the first view. They say that the Chinese Communist regime is recognized by more than a hundred sovereign countries in the international community, which is a good indication that the Chinese Communist regime is legitimate. Otherwise, how could the international community recognize an illegitimate regime?! This is typical rhetoric of the CCP's imperial literati, which sounds justified; only, unfortunately, they lack common sense in logic and made a big joke indeed! Legitimacy and recognition are two completely different things: recognition targets a fact of existence, and it would be absurd to judge whatever is legitimate as long as it is a fact of existence. You see, the triad is a fact of existence, so is the triad legitimate? It is a fact that terrorist organizations exist, and is that terrorist organization legitimate? Also, there exist robberies, murder, drug trafficking, rape, and other criminal activities in society, are they all legal? This is too ridiculous! 

The international community's diplomatic recognition of the Chinese Communist regime is only a subjective attitude, which does not change the objective fact that the Chinese Communist Party obtained the regime with bloody violence and that it brutally killed and ravaged the Chinese people after gaining power. In other words, there is no causal relationship between the subjective attitude and the objective reality of the illegal regime, i.e., the subjective recognition is directed at an existing fact, and the legal nature of that fact is not determined by the subjective attitude. That is to say, for any cultural relic, we must recognize it as a cultural relic, regardless of whether the relic was obtained through a legitimate auction or from a tomb raider. Although we recognize a cultural relic as an objective existence, there is no causal relationship between the origin of a cultural relic and our recognition of it, i.e., we cannot say that a cultural relic in the hands of a tomb raider is not a cultural relic and that only a cultural relic obtained from an auction house is a cultural relic. By the same token, when we see a villa, we have to recognize it as a villa, and there is no causal relationship between our recognition and the way the person living in the villa acquired it; we cannot say that only a villa legally purchased is a villa and a villa obtained through robbery and deception is not a villa. The international community recognizes the CCP regime for the same reason, i.e., the international community recognizes the regime in the hands of the CCP as a regime because it is a fact of existence. However, how the CCP acquired power, i.e., bloody violence, has no causal relationship to the international community's recognition of the CCP regime. More than seventy years ago, Manchukuo, established in northeastern China by the Japanese invaders, had also been recognized diplomatically by several countries, the former Soviet Union recognized it, and later Stalin terminated recognizing it. This February Russia invaded Ukraine and occupied two regions of eastern Ukraine, still Putin declared these two regions as "independent states", does this mean that the regimes in these two regions of eastern Ukraine are legitimate? Now it is well known that the legitimacy of a regime determined by diplomatic recognition is not reliable. Diplomatic recognition is in itself a subjective attitude, and a subjective attitude cannot determine an objective fact, furthermore, a subjective attitude can be changed at any time. Before 1971, the Western countries, led by the United States, did not recognize the Chinese Communist regime, i.e., the so-called People's Republic of China, but later, the United States changed its attitude and recognized the Chinese Communist regime, and the recognition of the CCP regime by the United Nation comes the same way as the international community does. This once again shows that there is no causal relationship between diplomatic recognition and the legitimacy of a regime.

In layman’s terms, the legal owner of a large villa has been violently evicted by bandits and his villa has been occupied by the bandits, who now become the new owner. The neighbors of the villa are aware of this illegal act of the bandits, but they have to admit that the bandits are the new owners of the villa, i.e., they acknowledge the bandits' physical possession of the villa. But this does not mean that the neighbors acknowledge the bandits' means of acquiring the villa is legal. However, to judge the legitimacy of a regime, first of all, is to see if the means of acquiring the regime are legitimate or not! Because the bandits used violence to forcibly occupy the villa, the possession of the villa by the bandits was, therefore, an illegal act. It is just like a guy breaking into the home of a legal couple, forcing the husband to leave the home by gun, and then taking over the wife. Even if the thug becomes the woman's "new husband," the marriage is illegal; No matter how many times this thug claims that the woman is his legal wife, it does not change the fact that this thug has taken over the wife of another man by force! No matter how many times the Chinese Communist Party claims that it is the only legitimate regime representing China, it does not change the objective fact that the Chinese Communist Party has used bloody methods to seize the legitimate regime Republic of China. Therefore, no matter how many countries recognize such a regime, it cannot change the illegality of this regime, because the objective fact of the CCP's violent seizure of power cannot be changed by such a subjective attitude as diplomatic recognition!

Speaking of diplomatic recognition, it is also easy to think of certain social situations where law-abiding people can also shake hands and talk with triad figures. That's just out of social courtesy, acknowledging the fact that triad figures are a presence, but it doesn't mean they approve of their illegal behavior. Similarly, the recognition of the Chinese Communist regime by the United States, Europe, and other Western countries is directed at an existential fact, i.e., the recognition that the Chinese Communist regime is one of the largest triad organizations and one of the most heartless terrorist organizations in the world, because Mao Zedong was originally a bandit leader who took over the mountains and that Mao's army was also composed mainly of hooligans, scoundrels, lazybones, and the bad and evil guys in society. In the present era, the Chinese Communist Party (the CCP) is ruling the country with the concept of a triad society, and officials at all levels are ganging up to form various interest groups for personal gain, while ordinary people are suffering from bullying of these interest groups, which is worse than living in a triad society. After all, triad members are still worried about arrests by police, while the CCP has no scruples about doing evil; the CCP has used its huge state violence machine to create a series of horrific and horrible events, such as the Cultural Revolution, the June Fourth Massacre 1989, and the live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners...... These are all objective facts, and even if the international community does not recognize the CCP regime, it still exists. But this does not mean that Western countries such as Europe and the United States recognize the legitimacy of the bloody and violent methods used by the CCP to seize power, let alone the legitimacy of the brutal killings of the Chinese people after the CCP seized power.

Because of this, diplomatic recognition of a regime and the legitimacy of that regime are absolutely two different things. The recognition of a regime involves only a fact of existence, and there are two decisive factors in the legitimacy of a regime: first, the legitimacy of the means or methods used to gain power; second, the satisfaction of serving the people after gaining power. Even if those countries that have established diplomatic relations with the CCP regime put in black and white on their diplomatic documents that the People's Republic of China is the only legitimate government representing China ...... this is only a subjective attitude, and subjective attitudes can be changed, while the fact that the CCP violently gained power and brutalized the Chinese people after gaining power, such a heinous crime, objectively exists, no one can change!

The diplomatic recognition of the Chinese Communist regime by Western countries is, to put it nicely, based on practical interests such as economic and commercial considerations, and definitely, it is not recognition of the criminal facts and robber baron logic of the Chinese Communist Party. This is like a triad member attending a legitimate restaurant; the restaurant owner will never refuse to serve the customer just because the customer is a triad member, as long as the customer pays for his meal. There is no difference between the Chinese Communist Party and the triads. The triads only need to abide by the rules of civilized society in their dealings with people in civilized society, such as buying a ticket on a public bus, paying for a meal, etc., which is purely a mutually beneficial transaction, but this does not mean that people in civilized society approve of the triads' illegal behavior. Diplomatic recognition of the Chinese Communist regime is, to put it badly, out of desperation, because whether the West recognizes it or not, the Chinese Communist regime is an objective, evil existence!

As for the diplomatic recognition of the CCP regime by countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, it is the result of the CCP's big money spreading and has nothing to do with the legitimacy of the regime. In other words, such recognition is entirely bought out by the CCP at its expense. This has been the case from Mao's time until Xi Jinping's time, and Xi's madness in money-spreading even exceeds Mao's. Leaders of Asian, African, and Latin American countries come to China for one purpose: to ask for money; Chinese leaders go to Asian, African, and Latin American countries for one purpose: to send money. This is like a prostitute and her patron, the prostitute never cares who her patron is, as long as her patron pays. The patron of a prostitute pays to satisfy his sexual desire, and the CCP pays to get diplomatic recognition and votes in the United Nations. Therefore, the diplomatic recognition of the CCP regime by Asian, African, and Latin American countries is essentially a dirty deal, just like the deal between a prostitute and her patron.

In short, the recognition of the Chinese Communist regime by the Western democracies led by the United States is essentially an act of dancing with the wolf. The wolf cannot therefore say that it is dancing with man, it is a man. When a wolf dances with a man, the wolf has to walk the same dance steps as a man, not a man walking the same steps as a wolf. The United States recognized the Chinese Communist regime and brought the CCP to the international stage because it wanted the CCP to abide by international norms, not because it wanted the international community to abide by the CCP's rules. It has been proven that the CCP never abides by the rules. The CCP was originally born as a bandit and believed only in bandit logic. The CCP believes that no matter what it is, as long as it is grabbed by the CCP the CCP can possess it, even though robbery itself is a criminal act. The history of the Chinese Communist regime's dealings with the United States-led Western countries vividly reflects the essence of Western society's dance with wolves, which fully demonstrates the CCP's bandit philosophy and bandit logic. After the Chinese Communist country joined the WTO, its rogue bandit nature was exposed: refusing to honor its commitments for more than a decade, willfully breaking WTO rules, stealing intellectual property rights by all means, and carrying out aggressive warrior-wolf diplomacy......

The second argument to defend the legitimacy of the CCP regime is that the CCP's rule has been accepted and approved by the majority of the Chinese people and that popularity and public opinion are the most important sources of the regime's legitimacy. This is actually a sophistry to justify the legitimacy of the CCP's rule, which is even more untenable. To say that the Chinese people accept and agree with the CCP's rule is tantamount to saying that the Chinese people are willing to be killed, ravaged, enslaved, oppressed, and fooled by the CCP and that the Chinese people are all masochists. Please ask anyone in China: are the bones of the Chinese people so cheap?!  Successive rulers over the past 2,200 years have certainly not treated the Chinese people well, but no dynasty has ever been as heartlessly sadistic as the CCP regime! The legitimacy of the CCP's rule has already been stated in detail, so I will not repeat it here. I will only emphasize one objective fact: since the day the CCP was founded, the CCP state has only had the will of the leaders, the will of the officials, and never the will of the people. Just imagine it, how can there be true public opinion in a country where even freedom of speech does not exist? The CCP holds a gun in one hand, a loudspeaker in the other, and hundreds of millions of cameras above the people's heads. Under such circumstances, can the people express their true will and say no? In addition to accepting and agreeing with the CCP, they have to raise their voices against their will and sing: Without the CCP, there would be no new China. This is not public opinion at all; it is naked rape of public opinion! This is the real source of the people's will and public opinion, as the CCP's writers put it, so it is nonsense to say that the Chinese people accept and agree with the CCP's rule!

In addition, it should be especially noted that the CCP has been an underground triad organization without any legal registration since the day it was founded, and is itself illegal. The most ironic thing is that this illegal organization was not created by the Chinese themselves but was organized under the auspices of the Soviet Union, and it was a puppet of the Soviet Union from the very beginning of the CCP. In 1931, the first bandit regime established by the CCP in the Republic of China was called the "Chinese Soviet Republic", and the CCP had already started to openly split the motherland since then! Even when the CCP violently overthrew the legitimate government of the Republic of China, it did so with the help of the Soviet Union. It was not the CCP's ability to seize power but the Soviet Union's ability to do so. Without the Soviet Union, the CCP would never have made it this far. History has clearly witnessed that the Chinese Communist regime was established with the strong support of foreign forces, and it is precisely because the CCP made its fortune with the help of foreign forces that it has been particularly sensitive to foreign forces since it seized power until today, and it has always mentioned how foreign forces should behave to do harm to China. However, it just doesn't mention that it started with the aid of foreign forces, just because it fears that domestic opposing forces, driven by foreign forces, will overthrow the Communist regime as they did when they overthrew the National Government (the Republic of China). Now, we should understand why the CCP is so nervous about foreign forces!

To sum up, no matter how the Chinese Communist regime is judged, there is not a shred of legitimacy to be found: the CCP is an illegal triad organization and by far the largest and most brutal terrorist organization in the world. After gaining power through the violent overthrow of the legitimate government of the Republic of China with the help of foreign forces, it brutally murdered, oppressed, and fooled the Chinese people. It committed a series of heinous crimes against humanity, and it was an utterly evil regime. Wherever there is a Communist Party, the people suffer badly! Given this, it is not only just, legal, and honorable for the Chinese people to rise up against the Communist Party, but also a true act of justice for God. Only by overthrowing the CCP, the most evil and horrible regime in human history, can the Chinese people regain their minimum dignity as human beings, and the world hereby can eliminate one of the biggest scourges since the birth of human civilization!



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