

Fuel Depot Explosion near London

(2005-12-12 16:19:46) 下一個

6:00 11th Dec., two weeks before this Christmas, a fuel depot near Hemel Hampstead in Hertfordshire (near London) blasted. This accident causes 8 persons die, and the fire is expected to be put off after 24 hours. Huge black smoke has been caused by this blast and flowed to the south with the wind. Around 200 schools around this area continues to close at 13th Dec.

This year is not a peaceful year for the whole world, including UK. People in the world suffered desarster again and again caused by themselves, or purely because of the will of God. Man-made terrorisms happened continuously in Iraq, and expended to other part of the earth outside Iraq, including Egypt and England (11/07/05). In south Asia, Tsunami was followed by earthquake. Hurricane mocked the proud of US... People are wondering why this earth turns into a miserable land? Is it because the God wants to show his anger in response of the guilty of the human being?

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