


(2005-12-27 15:57:09) 下一個



我起床後照例拉開窗簾映入我眼簾的不是通常的黑色屋頂而是一片銀白.除馬路上白的少點兒外所有都是白的.這令人稀罕的白,這令人驚喜的白!快門按動,留駐這一瞬間.因為我知道IT WON’T LAST LONG.果然中午太陽高懸後一切又變得和往日一樣赤裸起來.但氣溫卻沒有恢複而且嗖嗖小風吹得人麵色紅潤.今天騎自行車和步行不失為一種比較頑強的選擇.


BLACKWELL咖啡店出來興奮地走在回家的路上,忽然想起了一星期前在大學圖書館前的CLARENDON QUAD舉辦的戶外ICE GARDEN 展覽.一些藝術家,科學家和教師們去了趟北北冰洋回來創造了很多同冰有關的作品.但和我們中國每年哈爾濱的冰雕藝術不一樣.這次展覽的主題是有關GLOBAL WARMING全球變暖的. 在展覽的前兩天我大概在晚上經過圖書館看到諾大的圖書館兩層之間的空間被當成橫幅上麵流淌著一句句英文.後來我在展覽正式開始那天將這些文字朗讀並錄到我的錄音器裏.下麵我已將它謄寫下來:


The pressure of our numbers the abundance of our inventions the blind forces of our desires and needs are generating a heat, the hot breath of our civilisation. How can we begin to restrain ourselves? We resemble a successful lichen,a ravaging bloom of algae, a mould enveloping the food…We are fouling our nest and we know we must act decisively against our immediate inclinations. But can we agree among ourselves we are a cleaver and quarrelsome species? In our public debates we can sound like rookery in full throat. We are superstitious, hierarchical and self interested. Just when the moment requires us to be rational even handed and altruistic… We are shaped by our history and biology to frame our plans within the short term, within the scale of single life time. Now we are asked to address the well being of unborn individuals we will never meet and who, contrary to the usual terms of the human interaction. We’ll not be returning favour. Pessimism is intellectually delicious, even thrilling, but the matter before us is too serious for mere self pleasuring. On our side we have our rationality which finds it highest expression and formalisation in good(?) science. We have a talent for working together when it suits us. Are we at the beginning of an unprecedented era of international co-operation or are we living in an Edwardian summer of reckless denial? Is this the beginning or the beginning of the end?






思緒回到眼前又飄起的小雪花.走在路上感到比平日格外的冷.快到家時路過ROSE AND CROWN 忍不住鑽進去喝了兩杯.端著酒杯望著壁爐裏竄動的火苗心裏萌升了一個計劃.這個計劃現在公布還為時過早,但一定要做.走出酒吧前來了一群看起來都像到了18歲的英國青少年.他們想買酒被酒吧主人拒絕.後來酒吧主對我說,我們製定了法就要執行.不能象西班牙和歐洲一些國家那樣由警察來執法.





15-18 December 2005
Clarendon Quad, Bodleian Library, Oxford
Heather Ackroyd & Dan Harvey, Kathy Barber, David Buckland, Peter Clegg, Max Eastley, Ian McEwan

The Ice Garden is the first Cape Farewell exhibition showing works inspired by voyages with artists, scientists and educators into the High Arctic. Artists Heather Ackroyd & Dan Harvey, Kathy Barber, David Buckland, Peter Clegg, Max Eastley, and Ian McEwan have developed sound, light, text and sculptural installations for the Clarendon Quad in front of the Bodleian Library.

The Ice Garden features ten two-metre-high columns of ice, signalling the volume of carbon dioxide generated by each person in the UK each year. On a sheet of water, messages and images from the frozen Arctic fleetingly appear. Projected onto the walls of the Bodleian Library, a chilling call to action. Elsewhere in the quad a fragment of glacier, complete with pieces of earth, emits the sound of disintegrating ice.

The exhibition runs from 4pm-8pm and admission is free. Download a PDF version of the exhibition brochure below.
Download Brochure 616Kb

Sunday 18 December, 1-3pm
Climate Change - The Impact in Asia
is an open discussion, led by Saleemul Huq, director of the Climate Change Programme at the International Institute for Environment and Development, with Professor Diana Liverman of Environmental Change, Oxford University and David Buckland. The discussion is taking place at The Asian Cultural Centre, Manzil Way, Oxford.



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