
The Other Night

(2022-08-28 13:07:53) 下一個

The Other Night 
by TG

in the other night 
i saw eternity bright
you&me inside

A comment from AllPoetry:

Scroobily - I love this poem, which is full of truth : as I and others have said before ("all geniuses think alike", so to speak) : no one can make it on this world on their own. Any great man or woman has a greater man or woman behind the scenes helping. This is Truth, like it or not, and Truth is that which cannot be got around. When a man and a woman are "on the same page", then there is no stopping their ambition, if they have the power to follow through. And the media is doing everything it can to destroy the goodness between Man and Woman : because Evil Women, the most evil filth imaginable, control the UK media, and all they want is to bring everything crashing down, due to sheer blind idiocy, pure imbecility, and power run mad. These women are drunk with power, but they're illiterate idiots, so the UK is now in an irrecoverable dive; and behind these colossally "entitled" women are Bertelsmann, the most evil company in the world, which All Poetry wholeheartedly endorses, because those who run All Poetry are pure damn evil. Take Scroobily's word for it. So why is Scroobily here? Not for the reasons the Management thinks, but the Management is a confederacy of imbeciles : weak and cowardly women. Apparently there is nothing worse than a man in power . . . than a woman. The women running things in the UK are dumbest filth imaginable. Don't get me wrong : I hate men as well as women : I am an equal opportunist : but Truth is Truth : and the women running the media in the UK are sick filth who need elimination, but there are no men with balls left in the UK. Except for Scroobily. So watch this space. Anyway : when men and women work together in complete harmony, say, a husband and wife, then the sky is the limit. Obviously Tyranny will do all it can to destroy this, and to keep everyone Inhuman. A man and a woman in love is Human. All else is Inhuman : not a criticism : just a Fact. And if the reader of this is too idiotic to understand Truth and Fact, then misunderstand me all you want, Unworthy Filth. And now back to the upbeat : this poem is where it's at, apparently, as it has inspired this reader to emit this word-stack. Takeaway : old-school wins, because without a Man and a Woman, there is no Humanity fullstop. So what do you think God Himself endorses? Huh? The love of a Man and Woman, all being well, if both are willing to learn, study, concentrate, and communicate, leads to the Fresh Air of Freedom. Otherwise, we have losers whining all the time, as on All Poetry. But this poet is massive and full of Truth : and so are the comments : Everywhere in life, when people can simply be encouraging, NO, they choose to be filth, such as this Andrew Troy Kell, apparently, who cannot simply say "nice poem", but has to attempt to perfect it, as if this filth is Shakespeare or Einstein or something. Presumptuous imbecilic egotism and idiocy running riot : Andrew may as well be a Woman in Power in the UK. He exposed himself, so too bad for that Nothing. Maybe he's a Woman in disguise : a good guess, considering there are no men left in the UK (and US) : apparently. But I am here. Fighting. And I will not stop. I cannot stop. And I cannot lose. And with poets and strong minds such as TG passing on their inspiration, I get stronger every day, and my enemies get weaker : as exemplified by those who run this site : notice any change here lately? No? Ah. Because they're lazy filth hoping God will sort things out. But God has only contempt for cowards, I assume. Why do I assume this? Because does anyone on the planet Earth intentionally invite Imbeciles and Losers to their parties? So why would God want to surround himself with imbeciles and losers in Heaven? Probably he won't. So all you pious hypocrites are lost, and going to Hell. I won't be seeing you there. Enjoy your eternity, filth. But now back to the upbeat : this poet is Awesome, Thank God, and worth reading. And so Scroobily has now woken up, at 3:30 a.m., to get to translation work, soon to finish an epic in 15-syllable lines here on All-Poetry : and has one person, just ONE, in all this time, mentioned that I have been writing in 15-syllable lines for over 600 pages now? NO. Some poets. But keep studying and thinking, and you can get Smart, and Win. Just don't follow the direction of those who run All Poetry : they'll run you into the ground. This message is Encouragement : Stand Tall and Strong, and you're invincible, because everyone around us is weak and cowardly. Obviously. Great write, which filled me with Power. Now to work, to continue to Inspire and nothing but, for which I receive NOTHING. Thanks, TG. Now to work. Best wishes.






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