
輸入快樂 Prepare Our Kids and Ourselves with Joy

(2021-04-13 15:12:30) 下一個

Right now, the world feels terribly uncertain. But, it’s calming to feel like we can prepare our kids and ourselves to manage whatever our tomorrows bring.

Enter joy. What could be better than preparing for the future—and an upcoming holiday season—in a way that also captures the very best of our today? We can do it because we have the superpower of joy hard-wired inside us.

Joy impacts the growing brain. Every time kids experience joy, the pathways in their brains that are dedicated to feeling this positive emotion grow stronger. Plus, we can trigger the experience of joy simply by recalling moments in which we experienced it, or just by thinking about things that make us feel joyful. So, the more our kids experience joy, the more readily their growing brain can conjure joy when they need it.

Our minds are predisposed to negative thoughts since, evolutionarily, being able to identify and avoid danger is helpful to survival. As neurologist Rick Hanson says, our brains are “like Velcro for negative experiences and Teflon for positive experiences.” Given this tendency, it’s all the more important to help kids strengthen their “joy pathways” to help them tip their emotional balance in a positive direction.

Joy is good for health and wellness. The research is in clear—happiness and joy are good for our health. These positive emotions contribute to a wide range of important positive health outcomes, including improved heart health, stronger immune systems, reduced stress, and even a longer lifespan.


現在,這個世界讓人感到非常的不安。 但是,能讓我們感到一些平靜的是,我們可以為孩子和我們自己做好準備,以應付明天帶來的一切。

輸入喜悅。 沒有什麽比這更好的方式了,既能為未來和即將到來的假期做好準備,同時又能過好每一個今天。我們之所以能夠做到這一點,是因為我們內心深處充滿了歡樂的超級力量。

歡樂與喜悅影響著成長中的大腦。 每當孩子體驗到快樂時,大腦中致力於感受這種積極情緒的傳遞路徑就會變得越來越強。 另外,我們可以簡單地通過回憶我們經曆過的愉快的時刻或通過思考使我們感到快樂的事物來觸發快樂的體驗。 因此,我們的孩子越是快樂,他們成長的大腦在需要時就更容易聯想到快樂。


喜悅有益於健康。 研究很明確地表明,幸福和快樂對我們的健康有益。 這些積極情緒有助於實現一係列重要的積極健康結果,包括改善心髒健康,增強免疫係統,減輕壓力,甚至延長壽命。




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