
每天過著農婦般的恬淡生活,忙時種花種菜, 養雞養娃。閑時讀書寫字, 聽歌追劇。家有3男兩女, 貓是女的,叫Fish。

An Incredible Woman

(2020-11-27 18:21:49) 下一個

If I were an artist,I would like to use my painting brush to alter the deeper wrinkles round her eyes. I wish I could borrow some magic power from the little fairy,make the hour hand of the clock move counter clock-wise, so that i cold make her beauty of youth reappear. Why would I do that? Because she is my mom, a tough, persistentand incredible woman who was born in 50's and came from a small but nice town on the Yangzi River side, in the south of China. My mom's only goal in life is wathching her kids prosper in their life.

My mom is a tough woman who suffered a great deal in her life. That is the first and the most impressive memory I have of her-of anything. "It was very difficult moment when you came along, your mom and I had to build our first house by hand, because we did't have enough money to hire someone to help us. And your mom was still pushing the wheelbarrow to help move the bricks during the day, and you were born in the same night……", my dad told me the same story again and again, especially when I gave my mom a hard time. And now, I often feel sorry and guilty, my mom had to work so hard even during her late pregnancy. And I wish I could give her some help instead of being a little devil.

Even now, when things are getting so much better, my mom still prefers to be tough. About a year ago, right before my mom and dad came to Beijing visit us, my sister called me with an qnxious voice.

"Mom just trapped her fore finger in the car door when I dropped them off. Take her to see a doctor because the wound was scarily large and a little deep. she must lost lots of blood……" No surprise, my mom insisted on saving money, using oinment and gauze at home instead of doing stitches, no matter how hard we tried to convince and fight with her. (Because sometimes) She could be very stubborn after she made her mind.

She would never change her mind, especially if she thinks she is doing the right thing. After my parents went through all those "eating bitterness"(chi ku) years, things were getting much better. They paid off all the debts they owed for our second house, and finally saved some money. My sister went to vocational training school while I started high school. Then my dad bought a colour television without discussing with mom during a weekend. He wanted a new TV for years, so that he could watch his favourite war movies at home instead of going to the neighbour's. "I was trying to surprise every one," my dad murmured. "You go return that thing tomorrow or I will do it for you." My mom made the decision firmly and slammed the door in my dad's face while my dad was trying to argue more. I could have fought for my dad, but the reason my mom did that was trying to save money for my college. And she thought that goal was above everything. My dad lost the battle again. My mom is a stubborn woman.

Actually, my mom does change her mind sometimes, but only when she thinks it is worth it. My mom cares about my dad a lot, and there is a romantic story about it. My mom was working very hard in a clinic as a temporary nurse with a real doctor, Mr Li, when she was 19. And she could get  recommendation for  a medical school from doctor LI only if she could work through  a whold year. It would have been hard, she always knows what she wants and how to focus on it, until she met my dad, a handsome, ambitious, smart , but poor young man. Smartly, my dad went after my Grandma (mom of my mom) to gain her acceptance by visiting her almost 7days a week with small gifts. Constant effort brings success. He got my Grandma's permission and started to date my mom.

In the end, my mom quit her future dream for him. Then they  built up a family from nothing in a small village, on the other side of the river, all the while working as a peasant woman, living on growing wheat, rice and cotton. It's has always been hard for my mom. Especially after my dad became a policeman with only normal salary and he couldn't be around to share the burden of daily work. After all these years, my mom never doubted nor regretted her brave decision. And that makes her an incredible woman.

"You have my smile." my mom often said that to me." You have my everything." I often make her laugh when I said that. She, as a good wife and great mom, has set so many successful examples for my sister and I, and that's all we need for living our life. I may never be an artist nor have magic power, but I'll keep fighting for her life goal. Because she is an incredible woman.








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