
光就是信息,黑暗是信息的缺乏 選自《黎明的帶來者》


(2023-03-13 18:23:35) 下一個

A few days ago, one Black Nobility faction has used JP Morgan to trigger the collapse of SVB bank, the 18th largest bank in the USA: 幾天以前,一個黑色貴族派係利用摩根大通集團強迫矽穀銀行倒閉,後者是美國排名第十八位的大銀行:

譯註:矽穀銀行的存款戶在3月9日從銀行帳戶一共提領420億美元。矽穀銀行在當天關門盤點的時候發現:銀行的帳麵流水已經變成了赤字,大約虧損9.58億美元。 This is very similar to the developments in the financial system that were happening just before the coronavirus outbreak: 目前金融體係的情況非常像是新冠疫情快要爆發之前的不穩定狀態:

The collapse of SVB has already triggered delays in Etsy payments: 矽穀銀行倒閉已經造成網路商店平台-Etsy延遲付款 And bank runs at First Republic Bank, which is expected to go underwater in the next few days, and other banks: 第一共和銀行也遭到波及,出現擠兌現象。這家銀行和其它銀行預計會在幾天之內跟著倒閉:

In the era of mobile phones, bank run contagion can spread really fast, and can potentially disturb the financial system tomorrow (Monday March 13th), as the story hits the mass media and the human masses realize the potential seriousness of the situation: 在這個用手機就可以提款的時代,一旦銀行發生擠兌,恐慌的情緒就會立刻朝著四麵八方擴散。一旦大眾媒體開始報導相關新聞而且越來越多人知道事態的嚴重程度,上述幾家銀行的擠兌潮有可能在明天(3月13日)對金融體係造成震盪:

The Light Forces do NOT want a hard crash of the system, they want a gradual and balanced meltdown of the system combined with the increased awareness which would lead into the positive financial Reset. -------- Update Monday March 13th: #3月13日星期一更新訊息:

The Fed has intervened on Sunday evening, by patching the financial system with a bailout, effectively preventing a massive bank run on Monday: 美聯儲在星期日早上宣布介入並且為金融體係提供紓困方案。這項方案可以有效預防銀行在星期一早上遭遇大規模擠兌:

The crisis is not over yet, as First Republic bank is on the verge of collapse: 這場危機還沒結束,因為第一共和銀行仍徘徊在倒閉邊緣:

譯註:第一共和銀行的股價在開盤以前已經跌掉60% 其他區域銀行類股也在跟著下跌。 If this bank collapses, perhaps more drastic intervention from the Fed will be required. A few quite reliable sources are claiming that the contagion will not spread beyond commercial banks in the US that are already in trouble. If this happens, the JP Morgan faction will try to use this crisis to swallow up more banks, suppress their connection with the Epstein scandal and steer the government to impose strict capital flow controls and then implement CBDCs as the final solution to the crisis. So those who are now wishing for the financial system collapse a la JP Morgan do not know what they are asking for. 如果第一共和銀行倒閉,美聯儲可能就得採取更強硬的介入手段。好幾位可靠的知情人士表示這波恐慌潮隻會影響財務體質已經不佳的美國本土商業銀行。如果這些商業銀行真的倒閉關門,摩根大通會試圖利用這次的危機併吞更多的銀行,打壓它們和艾潑斯坦性醜聞之間的有關報導並且催促美國政府實施更嚴格的資金流管製。摩根大通最後會假藉要解決這場危機促使美國推行中央銀行數位貨幣體係。如果現在還有人想要看到金融體係崩盤,這些人肯定不知道自己是在引狼入室,而且是一頭名叫摩根大通的大野狼。

The Light Forces do NOT want a hard crash of the system, they want a gradual and balanced meltdown of the system combined with the increased awareness which would lead into the positive financial Reset. 光明勢力不希望金融體係發生硬著陸。他們希望金融體係可以逐漸而且安全地瓦解。他們希望越來越多人在金融體係瓦解的過程當中覺醒,並且認識金融體係的真相,進而促成正麵的金融重置。

For this reason they are asking as many people as possible to do the following meditation starting on Sunday March 12th at 10 pm UTC and then every 4 hours, for the next 72 hours, thus daily at 2 am UTC, 6 am UTC, 10 am UTC, 2 pm UTC, 6 pm UTC, and 10 pm UTC.

基於這個原因,光明勢力呼籲大家盡量多參加穩定金融體係的冥想活動。活動時間是世界協調時間3月12日晚上10點開始,然後每隔四小時舉行一次。冥想活動會持續三天,請大家在世界協調時間的淩晨2點、早上6點、早上10點、下午2點、晚上6點和晚上10點參加冥想。 譯註:換算成中/港/台/馬時間是3月13日-3月15日的早上6點、早上10點、下午2點、晚上6點和晚上10點。

Instructions: 冥想指南: 1.Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

1.用自己習慣的方式放鬆身心靈。 2.State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to bring the Light to the global financial system and to stabilize it.

2.用意念宣告:我要用這次的冥想為全球金融體係錨定聖光並且穩定全世界的金融局勢。 3.Visualize a pillar of brilliant white Light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe. Then visualize this light entering through the Galactic Central Sun, then going through our Galaxy, then entering our Solar System and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through all beings on planet Earth and also through your body to the center of the Earth. 觀想宇宙中央太陽發出一道潔白明亮的光柱。觀想光柱穿過全宇宙的銀河中央太陽,穿過本銀河係的銀河中央太陽。觀想光柱穿過太陽係和太陽係內所有的光之存有。觀想光柱穿過地球上所有的眾生,穿過自己的身體,進入地球的中心。

4.Visualize the St Germain’s violet flame purifying all people and institutions involved in the current financial system, especially JP Morgan, the Federal Reserve, commercial banks currently in trouble, and all human masses, the violet flame calming their fears.


5.Visualize a brilliant white Light shining on everyone, every financial institution and all situations in the current financial system.

觀想潔白明亮的聖光照亮所有的人類、所有的金融機構以及目前金融體係的局勢。 Victory of the Light! 光的勝利! 原文: 翻譯:Patrick Shih 本文請見:

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