
光就是信息,黑暗是信息的缺乏 選自《黎明的帶來者》


(2023-02-17 23:25:58) 下一個


2023年2月17日  點亮光網格

Worldwide Meditation and Celebration Event on


February 21, 2023 at 11:07 GMT


For One Hour


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for your local time to be accurate)


How it all started


My name is Samoiya Shelley Yates. In 2002 I drowned with my son in a lake and had a near death experience where I met Light Beings who told me how to miraculously save the life of my son. Later, in 2007, the Light Beings came to me with a project called Fire the Grid. They said, “What you did for a dying boy with a small group of people, you can do for a dying planet with a big group of people.” They indicated that each one of us is an energy being, first and foremost, and that we, as energy beings, are attached to a hexagonal grid that surrounds and works through the planet. Each one of us has one hexagon in that grid. Nobody can get another hexagon. You have one hexagon and you’re either feeding that hexagon with light or you’re drawing light from it. The Light Beings told me that when we are experiencing our joy, we are Firing the Grid. When we do it together, we have an incredible and powerful healing and transformative effect. So, in 2007, 2009 and 2011, we organized the world’s largest mass meditation events ever with millions of people participating.


我叫 Samoiya Shelley Yates。2002年,我和兒子一起在湖裏溺水身亡,在那裏我遇到了光之存有,他們告訴我如何奇跡般地拯救我兒子的生命。後來,在2007年,光之存有們帶著一個叫做“燃燒電網”的項目來找我。他們說,“你為一個將死的男孩和一小群人所做的,你可以為一個將死的星球和一大群人所做的。”他們指出,我們每個人首先都是一個能量存在,而我們作為能量存在,依附於一個六邊形的網格,這個網格環繞著地球並在其中運轉。我們每個人在那個格子裏都有一個六邊形。沒有人能得到另一個六邊形。你有一個六邊形,你要麽給那個六邊形注入光線,要麽從那裏吸收光線。光之存有告訴我,當我們體驗我們的喜悅時,我們正在點燃電網。當我們一起做的時候,我們有一個難以置信的和強大的愈合和變革的影響。因此,在2007年、2009年和2011年,我們組織了世界上有史以來規模最大的大規模冥想活動,有數百萬人參加。

Fast forward to 2021, when the Light Beings asked us to Fire the Grid again, to assist humanity through the challenges we are going through now. On July 19th, 2021, with only 3 weeks of promotion, we gathered thousands of people together to lessen a highly destructive chain of events that had started with a volcano that was going off in Iceland. We Fired the Grid, and the Light Beings told us that we successfully changed our course.





I’m here again to say that these Beings have a new event for us. They have invited us to come together again to Fire the Grid on this date:


THE VOTE: February 21st, 2023 at 11:07 GMT (This is the Last Call for Wake Up!)

投票: 2023年2月21日格林尼治標準時間11:07(這是最後一次喚醒!)

This opportunity will help us to raise our own individual and collective energy field in order to launch into the Fifth Field, the new earth, at the highest, most optimal level. When we Fire the Grid together, we ease our way, making the transition smoother.




As well as participating in this big event, we invite you to fire the grid individually by applying these principles in your daily lives:


Do no harm


Do everything with honesty and integrity


Find your joy


Do random acts of kindness


Listen to uplifting music


Living in accordance with the principles of high frequency living will pulse the energy grid of our bodies, therefore positively affecting the energy grid of our planet.




As well, we will also connect together on a continual basis at 11:11 GMT each day, to Fire the Grid for 5 minutes. We are working on getting an app developed (does anyone know how to build apps? Please contact us!) to help remind us to do this each day and to connect with each other. I know that for some of you, this time is in the middle of the night, but you can write a sticky note and set your intentions to pulse your energy grid with love, harmony and joy every day at 11:11 GMT before going to bed, so your spirit will do the work when you are asleep. And/or, you can Fire the Grid for 5 minutes every day at any time that works for you. By doing this, we will create a huge planetary heartbeat of light. Imagine the amazing positive effect worldwide this is going to have on you, our planet and on humanity.

同時,我們也將在每天 點亮光網格 11:11格林尼治標準時間(中/港/台/馬:19:11)連續連接在一起,點亮光網格5分鍾。我們正在開發一個應用程序(有人知道如何構建應用程序嗎?)?請與我們聯係!)幫助提醒我們每天都這樣做,並與彼此建立聯係。我知道對於你們中的一些人來說,這個時間是在半夜,但是你可以寫一張便條,設置你的意圖,在每天11:11格林威治標準時間上床睡覺之前,用愛、和諧和喜悅來脈動你的能量網,這樣你的精神就會在你睡著的時候完成這項工作。或者,你可以每天在任何適合你的時間點亮光網格5分鍾。通過這樣做,我們將創造一個巨大的行星光心跳。想象一下這將對你,我們的星球和人類產生的驚人的積極影響。



The Light Beings told me that “Humans love ribbons.” They told us that we can find each other and show our participation in this energy project by wearing a yellow ribbon with a bow on your arm. Would you like to wear a yellow ribbon in a different way? On your wrist, as a necklace, in your hair, pinned on your chest, like a flower, like a charity ribbon, or around the tree in front of your house… the possibilities are endless! When someone asks you about your yellow ribbon, you can tell them about Fire the Grid and how you are becoming high frequency with thousands of other people in an exponentially powerful way!


光之存有告訴我,"人類喜歡絲帶"。他們告訴我們,我們可以通過在你的手臂上佩戴帶蝴蝶結的黃絲帶來找到對方,並表明我們對這個能量項目的參與。你想以不同的方式佩戴黃絲帶嗎?戴在手腕上,作為項鏈,戴在頭發上,別在胸前,像一朵花,像一條慈善絲帶,或者繞在你家門前的樹上......可能性是無窮無盡的! 當有人問起你的黃絲帶時,你可以告訴他們 "點亮光網格",以及你是如何以一種指數級的強大方式與成千上萬的人成為高頻率的。



Between now and February 22, 2023 Fire the Grid events, we have an opertunity to cultivate joy and change the future. The Beings suggested that we set aside one day a month for Joy Fests around the world. So the third Sunday of each month, you can have a party or celebrate in whatever way brings you joy at 11:11 AM in your local area or whatever time works for you. It’s time to come together, spread love and have fun! Every time we raise our frequency we are pulsing the grid. What brings you Joy that you can share with others? Is it a party, a gathering to meditate, a dance, a music jam, a cooking and sharing feast, a Dungeons and Dragons session, a craft get-together, a blanket or knitting social, a healing circle, or walking the streets to help those in need? A “Joy Fest” can be anything you can think of! The people of earth need to come together and be with each other now. Love each other, support each other, be there for each other. Laughter, tears, singing, dancing, stories, food, music, love! We have so much to celebrate and when we do we create a virtuous circle where we further create a future even better than what we can imagine!

從現在到2023年2月22日的點亮光網格事件,我們有機會培養快樂,改變未來。眾生建議我們每月留出一天,在世界各地舉辦歡樂節。因此,每個月的第三個星期天,你可以在當地的上午11:11或任何適合你的時間舉行聚會或以任何方式慶祝,給你帶來快樂。這是聚集在一起,傳播愛和享受樂趣的時候了 每當我們提高我們的頻率時,我們就在為光網格提供脈衝。什麽能給你帶來快樂,你能與他人分享?它是一個聚會,一個冥想的聚會,一個舞蹈,一個音樂會,一個烹飪和分享的盛宴,一個龍與地下城的會議,一個手工聚會,一個毯子或編織的社會,一個治療的圈子,或走在街上幫助那些需要的人?一個 "歡樂節 "可以是你能想到的任何事情。地球上的人們現在需要走到一起,互相陪伴。彼此相愛,彼此支持,彼此相守。歡笑、淚水、歌唱、舞蹈、故事、食物、音樂、愛!我們有如此多的東西需要慶祝,而當我們有了這些東西時,我們就會發現我們的生活是多麽的美好。我們有這麽多值得慶祝的事情,當我們這樣做時,我們創造了一個良性循環,我們進一步創造一個比我們所能想象的更美好的未來!




Form small groups of 3 or 6, and Fire the Grid weekly or as much as you like! Like the Joy Fests, but more often and with a small dedicated group of frequency shifters.



我們就快成功了... 等等!

We have an opportunity to unite in a difficult time. The Light Beings have said that we are so close to making it through our challenges, and that big, wonderful changes are right around the corner. They offered the ideas for this project, so that we may ease our way, pulsing the energy grid and preparing it for the next events. Now, I’m not sure what the next events are, but I know we’re part of it and we’re either working towards the New Earth or we’re working away from the New Earth.




You don’t have to go out on a limb in any way… simply say “Yes” to the possibility that you are a Light Being in a human suit. You don’t have to believe with 100% conviction. When you participate in Fire the Grid, all you are doing is being in your joy for one hour. This project doesn’t cost anything and there are no commitments. There’s just sitting with your joy, thinking about it deeply in your body, so that you feel it. You feel the joy of eating an ice cream cone or hugging your child or walking in the sun. You feel it in your vessel, your body, your human suit, and then you really connect with that joy, sitting for one hour. You can go ahead and eat that ice cream or hug your child in real life too. Whatever brings you joy, real or envisioned. Then the next step, after you have done your hour, is simply say “Thank you, Thank You, Thank You!” and that elevates your field even further. Firing the Grid for one hour together is what the Light Beings suggest in order to elevate the Earth grid now. If nothing were to come of all this, well, you will have experienced your joy. What have you got to lose?




I’m not saying that everything’s just going to be better overnight each time we Fire the Grid. It doesn’t mean the shift to the Fifth Field or any other big changes are all going to happen immediately. I have no idea when the Shift will happen. What it does mean is that we will have set off a chain reaction of events. We, the people, the energy body that we are, have committed and connected to this field. When we commit and connect to this field with a “Yes, yes, yes,” we’re ready to be more than we are. ”Yes,” we’re ready to remember what and who we really are. “Yes,” we desire to create an abundant, wonderful, sharing and kind world for all of us in the midst of everything we are in. These Beings gave me this information before. Those projects all worked. They were incredible. Millions and millions of people participated and we didn’t have social media at the time. We didn’t have YouTube. We didn’t have Facebook. How did we do it? We simply shared an email, and people passed it on. (That said, if your heart resonates with this project, share it with someone you love!)

我不是說每次我們點亮光網格一切都會在一夜之間變得更好。這並不意味著轉移到第五維度或任何其他大的變化都會立即發生。我不知道大轉變什麽時候會發生。這意味著我們將引發一係列連鎖反應。我們,人類,我們這個能量體,已經承諾並連接到這個能量場。當我們以“是的,是的,是的”來提交和連接到這個領域時,我們已經準備好比我們自己做得更好是的,我們已經準備好記住我們的真實身份。“是的,”我們渴望在我們所處的一切中為我們所有人創造一個豐富、美好、分享和友好的世界。這些存有之前給過我這個信息。那些項目都成功了。太不可思議了。成千上萬的人參與其中,而我們當時還沒有社交媒體。我們沒有 YouTube。我們沒有 Facebook。我們是怎麽做到的?我們隻是分享了一封電子郵件,然後人們就把它轉發了。(也就是說,如果你的心和這個項目產生了共鳴,那就和你愛的人分享吧!)



We, the people, get to program the next field. This is the first time in humanity’s history that we actually get to choose our next direction. The last time we had a quantum leap, we evolved from Homo erectus to Homo sapiens. It was a huge quantum leap. We became physiologically different. We became mentally, energetically, physically different beings. That quantum leap is coming for us again and we can participate in that consciously with Fire the Grid. We can join together and set that bar as high as humanly possible. To enter the Fifth Field, we elevate our fields to 857 hertz, and we believe that it could be possible that a Shift is happening. It’s that simple. Live in Love, Compassion, Joy, and Gratitude. It is what will unite us as we move forward. The Light Beings said it very clearly: “Unite in your similarities or you will surely disintegrate in your differences.” Our similarities are the key to this major positive change in our lives and in our world, for the future of humanity. WE CAN DO THIS AND WE ARE DOING IT NOW!!!

我們,人民,開始規劃下一個領域。這是人類曆史上第一次我們真正能夠選擇自己的下一個方向。上一次我們實現了量子飛躍,我們從直立人進化成了智人。這是一個巨大的飛躍。我們在生理上變得不一樣了。我們在精神上、能量上、身體上都變成了不同的人。那個量子躍遷正再次來到我們身邊,我們可以有意識地參與到“點亮光網格”中。我們可以聯合起來,把標準定得越高越好。為了進入第五能量場,我們將能量場提升到857赫茲,我們相信有可能發生位移。就這麽簡單。活在愛、憐憫、喜悅和感恩中。這將使我們在前進的道路上團結在一起。光之存有們說得非常清楚: “團結在你們的相似之處,否則你們一定會在你們的差異中瓦解。”為了人類的未來,我們的相似之處是我們生活和世界發生這一重大積極變化的關鍵。我們能做到的,我們現在就在做! ! !

Samoiya Shelley Yates


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