I wish each one of you to go by yourselves sometime during the day for at least five minutes and talk to your “I AM Presence” something like this: “Great Masterful Presence which ‘I AM’! I love, I adore Thee.


I give back unto Thee the fullness of all Creative Power, all Love, all Wisdom, and through this Power which Thou art, I give Thee full power to make visible in my hands and use the fulfillment of my every desire.


I no longer claim any power as my own, for I now claim Thee, the Only and All-Conquering Presence in my home, my Life, my world and my experience.


I acknowledge Thy Full Supremacy and Command of all things; and as my consciousness is fixed upon an achievement, Your Invincible Presence and Intelligence takes command and brings the fulfillment into my experience quickly— even with the speed of thought.

我承認‘我是臨在’的至高無上和對所有事物的統轄;我的意識集中於‘我是臨在’,集中於‘我是臨在’的全然勝利和智慧之中。讓‘我是臨在’快速地掌控你所有的體驗,並帶來人生的圓滿 — 就像我們思考那樣快速。”

“I know that Thou art ruler over time, place and space. Therefore, Thou requirest only now to bring into the visible activity Thy every Perfection.


I stand absolutely firm in the full acceptance of this, now and forever, and I shall not allow my mind to waver from it, for at last, I know we are One.”


Excerpt, Discourse 20 by Beloved Saint Germain, Volume 3

To read the full Discourse online:www.saintgermainfoundation.org