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http://finance.sina.com   2020年07月09日 07:33   


首席大法官John Roberts在裁決中寫道:“總統既不能在尋求獲得其私人文件的州刑事調查傳票麵前享有絕對豁免,也無權享有更高的需要標準。”這項裁決以7-2票獲得通過,大法官Clarence Thomas和Samuel Alito持異議。






In April 2011, Trump said that when President Barack Obama produces "his birth certificate ... I’d love to give my tax returns". Obama's birth certificate was released a week later, resulting in Trump saying his tax returns would be released "at the appropriate time".  
- 2011年時就說了要披露稅表,結果是沒有。

In 2012, Trump implored for Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's tax returns to be released on April 1, which "historically is the time that everybody gives them".[29] That year, Trump also said that not seeing a presidential candidate's tax returns would lead people to think there was "almost, like, something wrong. What's wrong?" 
- 2012年時說如果總統候選人不披露稅表,會讓人覺得有甚麽地方不對勁。

In May 2014, Trump said in an interview: "If I decide to run for office, I’ll produce my tax returns, absolutely and I would love to do that."
- 2014年時說如果要出馬竟選,他絕對會披露稅表。

In February 2015, Trump said that if he ran for the presidency: "I would release tax returns".  On another occasion that month, he declared: "I have no objection to certainly showing tax returns". Trump announced his candidacy for President in June 2015.
- 2015年2月時說啦,他如果要選總統,他就會披露稅表。(他老人家同年6月時宣佈要選)。

In January 2016, Trump was asked by Chuck Todd if he would release his tax returns, to which Trump answered: "we'll be working that over in the next period of time, Chuck. Absolutely. [...] at the appropriate time, you'll be very satisfied." In February 2016, Trump said that he would release his tax returns "[p]robably over the next few months. They’re being worked on now." 
- 2016年2月受訪問時說了,再過幾個月可能就要展示稅表了。

Later that month, Trump said that he could not release his tax returns because he was under audit.
- 之後他老人家說了,他正在被查稅,所以不能透露稅表。

The IRS commissioner at the time, John Koskinen, said that an IRS audit does not prevent the taxpayer from releasing tax returns. 
- 當時的IRS頭頭於是說了,你被查稅也還是可以披露稅表的呀,IRS沒禁止的。

"In interview I told @AP that my taxes are under routine audit and I would release my tax returns when audit is complete, not after election!"3:51 PM · May 11, 2016
- 2016年5月11日說的 - 查稅查完後就披露稅表,不會拖到選舉完了之後。


說是這樣說,但到了2019年,稅表還是沒個影子。2019年8月曼哈頓檢察官發出傳票開始調查他老人家(為了付封口費給成人女星Stormy Daniel的事,那又夠他老人家喝一壺的),但川普公不給就是不給還打起了官司,結果一審敗訴,二審也敗,官司一路打到聯邦最高法院,今天終於判了下來。

這就是俺們守信用,號稱promises made promises kept的總統。嗬嗬。 

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魯鈍 回複 悄悄話 川普推薦上去的兩個法官這次也投了讚成票,看來他們良知尚存,還有底線,不像那些死硬川粉那樣底線全無,滿嘴謊言。