
The recruitment of the ideology war

(2022-04-02 14:55:20) 下一個



Firstly I will read a poem created on 26 March. I wrote it in Ottawa when I was waiting for the convoy from Quebec  with other freedom fighters .


Freedom on the Streets of March

Zuowang  26 March 2022


Those who were pepper sprayed 

tear gas bombed 

 Fired by rubber bullets

 beaten with batons

 trampled by a horse's hoof

 arrested and dispersed in February 


Now they regroup in March

this time

 There is no street hockey

 no bouncing castle

 No tasty BBQ

 And no honking horns

 Which have scared the mouse on the throne 


Now we have sunshine, music, willow wind

 Kids’  trumpets

 a hacky sack with a circle of people 

And a conga line 

Drives dancing to Freedom!


Today, my speech is the Recruitment for the Ideology War! 



One of former prime ministers, John Diefenbaker explains his ideas about what is a nation Canadian is:


"I am Canadian, a free Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship God in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, free to choose those who govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind."


But today Canada has become totally different, Chris Sky, a trucker in Calgary, he was arrested just because he said a word publicly through a megaphone. Pastor Artur Pawlowski was put into prison because he preached for the truckers heroes  and fed the homeless neglecting the Covid-19 restrictions. MPP Randy Hillier was charged because he stood on the right side of the history, that’s to say, he supports Freedom Convoy.


What’s more, there are countless Canadian doctors to be censored because they discover the Covid-19 vaccines could harm patients. Today in the Canada government we have a crime minister  Justin Trudeau who has been spat by Canadians most frequently!


However, if we observe this changing from a worldwide scope, we will not be confused any more. 


Who has noticed that there is no country to inquire formally the origin of the Covid-19?  And in Our souther cousin US, a series political earthquakes broke out, such as the 2020 election of president, those American patriots gathering in White House who were arrested in 6th January. Additionally,the ridiculous political correctness is spreading the whole world. 


What is political correctness? In other words, those left wing extremists have deprived our privileges to judge naturally and force us to upside down!  Now I stand up to defend my politically incorrectness: it is very wicked to allow adolescents to transsexual! It’s a Satan rule to destroy human beings!


Since left wing extremists forces have set up so many years in the globe politics, our cousin US has been influenced so much, Canada can’t escape the unfortunate fate. 


Canadians are most kind people in this world and we have lived here peacefully and happily for many years. So we are easy to be misled by left wing thoughts. The communism utopia looks so charming to some of us. 


But as an intellectual who has lived in a communist country for 35 years I have a destined responsibility to be a whistleblower.


Don’t believe communism, perhaps it returns with another name, the World Economy Forum. The communist leaders make a blueprint for human beings society: people live in a society with eternal happy and  are deprived all of the private things including assets.


Now I will be political incorrectness again, I recommend a fiction named Demons by the great Russian writer Dostoyevsky. He elaborated it is only for arrogant and temptation of Satan that humankind tried to build a paradise in the earth which is the origin of communism.In the name of the heaven in the earth which only exists in the brain of those left wing extremists there happened massacres in realities! It’s easy to verify this conclusion from the facts happened in Soviet Union, China,  Korean ,Cuba and Kmer Rouge.


We human beings should be humble and confess our sins otherwise we will surrender to Satan. The globalization or global government is another name of Babel Tower. Its intrinsic is the agents of Satan trying to grab power from God.


The history is a little girl and she is made up by the winners. Let’s look back the Second World War, it’s from then on the whole world began to turn the left. After so many decades the mainstream media and educational system in western democratic countries have brainwashed people successfully. That’s why today so many crazy unlawful actions from Canada government did! They cracked down the peaceful protest by violence.they have deprived most of freedom in the charter ,they have intimidated the opposing voices.


When I am awoken by the freedom convoy I am gradually aware the political crisis in Canada more accurately, this danger is also spreading all over the world. Then my whole life has been changed because I am triggered to fight for freedom and God! 


Fortunately, I have gotten to know many of other Canadian patriots in these days . They are in different ages, different occupations. Previously they have never cared about politics but now they have all been involved in the great movement to rescue Canada. I experience the same with these fellows. Canada is a young country and we are shaping this amazing country. I am very proud of it!


As an immigrant I love Canada as more as those Canadians who were born here. I have become a poet in this land because this great country has bestowed me freedom and love. I love Canadians because we are the most gentle people in the world. I will not immigrate to another country when Canada is sneaking into tyranny ,nonetheless I choose to fight for freedom! 


Just like the famous French fiction Little Prince, there are many other beautiful roses but the little prince only loves the unique one in his planet because he has dedicated much for her so there is intimate connection between them. Undoubtedly, Canada is my beloved rose, more accurately, my beloved tulip!


Now I appeal all of you to join us! Let’s recruit more freedom fighters in the Third World War of Ideology!

We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in Canada,we shall fight in US, we shall fight in Europe! We shall fight from coast to coast. 

We shall fight peacefully for all of the ones we love. We shall defend a free world for our children.

We shall persuade our families and friends patiently what is happening now. We shall make alarms for those sleeping people according to our abilities and chances . We shall join some parties to vote for our true  delegates to run public issues rather than those bribed traitors!

Join us! Canadians patriots! Fight for freedom!

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