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人性和恩典Nature and grace (2)

(2020-03-20 22:18:58) 下一個

Nature and Grace




節選,譯自[模仿基督] [the imitation of Christ],作者  Author: Thomas a Kempis, 出版於1940年。




grace walks in simplicity, turns away from all appearance of evil, offers no deceits, and does all purely for God in whom she rests as her last end.



grace resists sensuality, seeks to be in subjection, and does not desire to rule over anyone, but wishes rather to live under God for Whose sake she is willing to bow humbly to every human creature.



grace does not consider what is useful and advantageous to herself, but rather what is profitable to many. grace faithfully attributes all honor and glory to God.



grace can not bear to be idle and embraces labor willingly.



grace delights in simple, humble things, not despising those that are rough, nor refusing to be clothed in old garments.



grace looks to eternal things and does not cling to those which are temporal, being neither disturbed at loss nor angered by hard words, because she has placed her treasure and joy in heaven where nothing is lost.



grace is kind and open-hearted. grace shuns private interest, is contented with little, and judges it more blessed to give than to receive.



grace draws near to God and to virtue, hates the desire of the flesh, restrains her wanderings and blushes at being seen in public.



grace seeks consolation only in God, to find her delight in the highest good, above all visible things.



grace loves even her enemies and is not puffed up at having many friends. she does not think highly of either position or birth unless there is also virtue there. she favors the poor in preference to the rich. she sympathizes with the innocent rather with the powerful. she rejoices with the true man rather than with the deceitful, and is always exhorting the good to strive for better gifts, to become like the son of God by practicing the virtues.



grace brings all things back to God in Whom they have their source. To herself she ascribes no good, but in every matter of sense and thought submits herself to eternal wisdom and the divine judgement.



grace does not care to hear news or curious matters, because all this arises from the old corruption of man, since there is nothing new, nothing lasting on earth.



grace teaches, therefore, restraint of the senses, avoidance of vain self-satisfaction and show, the humble hiding of deeds worthy of praise and admiration, and the seeking in every thing and in every knowledge the fruit of usefulness, the praise and honor of God. She will not have herself or hers exalted, but desires that God Who bestows all simply out of love should be blessed in His gifts.



grace is a supernatural light. a certain special gift of God, the proper mark of the elect and the pledge of everlasting salvation. it raises man up from earthly things to love the things of heaven. it makes a spiritual man of a carnal man.



The more, then, nature is held in check and conquered, the more grace is given. Every day the interior man is reformed by new visitations according to the image of God.




恩典美的讓人感動!主耶穌就是這完美恩典的榜樣,讓我們去模仿。人可不可以做到?附上【宣教士】的PDF,來自網上的轉載,簡敘了恩典光照的神的仆人,拋棄西方的優越生活和地位,以孤苦,磨難,和生命的代價將天父的愛傳入中國。神愛中國,才會呼召祂的極優秀的仆人遠赴中國。有人說基督教是洋教,中國人不要。那馬克思是德國人,正統洋人,中國人要了嗎?早在2650BC, 神讓倉頡造中國字時,神就已將天國的真理賜給了漢字。中國曆經磨難,神從未放棄,因有屬祂的子民在那裏,從神創世時就已定。神是世人的神,與國度無關,天父對人的愛,人不明白。一旦明白,你就會驚歎那海闊高深的愛是人間沒有的。神的恩典白白的賜給每一位世人,你願意接受就是你的。



凡有血氣的盡都如草,他的美容都像野地的花。 草必枯乾,花必凋殘.....】以賽亞書 40:6



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