
【快手美食】OVERNIGHT OATS | easy, healthy breakfast

(2022-05-21 18:13:30) 下一個

OVERNIGHT OATS | easy, healthy breakfast & 6 flavor ideas!

Learn how to make the perfect batch of overnight oats! It's one of the easiest, no-cook breakfast recipes that will leave you with healthy grab-and-go breakfasts to enjoy throughout the week. Bonus – it's endlessly customizable!

If you love healthy breakfast ideas but don't want to do a whole lot of work in the morning, overnight oats were made for you. Honestly, it's as easy as stirring together a couple of ingredients in a jar, placing it in the fridge, and enjoying the next morning. Plus, you can meal prep overnight oats for the whole week! From Youtube.



家裏chia seeds, oats, 膠原蛋白粉都是現成的,好久沒吃了。



後記: 除了健康食物,我還看上了這視頻裏的瓶瓶罐罐,打算下次購物全部買回來,甚至比買食物本身更覺心切。這就是傳說中的買珠還櫝吧。LOL  最近有點購物狂傾向,這幾個周末買了一堆衣服,還有鞋子。包包也換了兩個,所謂“包”治百病,此言甚矣。這小半年加班多,實在需要減壓,需要常常給自己一個treat。前幾天老板們加班到淩晨一點才回家。如此以身作則,讓我等想偷懶都難啊。欲哭無淚ing。加班如此多,何以解憂,唯有買,買,買!


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