

(2023-05-14 14:03:28) 下一個


12:9    他 對 我 說 , 我 的 恩 典 夠 你 用 的 。 因 為 我 的 能 力 , 是 在 人 的 軟 弱 上 顯 得 完 全 。

這首詩的靈感,來自於一個 Youtube 上在一首讚美詩下麵的一個評論。這首詩歌是Hillsong的Whole Heart (Hold Me Now) (鏈接)。

在這首詩歌下麵,有一位叫Lindsey Alicandro寫道: “I was a drug addict BAD I went to Church the Pastor called me over and said "Jesus is standing here and says when you've had enough I WILL BE ENOUGH" I as so broken but I cried out Lord I've had enough you've got to be enough I was INSTANTLY delivered no rehab no withdrawals I was instantly set free and its been 5 years and JESUS IS ENOUGH!!!! Thank you Jesus look where my chains are now!!!!”



When you come to the end of the road

As hopeless as the dim street lamps

Call upon the name of Jesus

You will know His light will be bright enough


When you are totally lost in this world

As confused as a forsaken sheep

Call upon The name of Jesus

You will know His way will be guiding enough


When you feel you are breathing yet dead

As lifeless as a fish out of water

Call upon The name of Jesus

You will know His life will be living water


When you have enough

He will be enough

Powerful enough to move the mountains

Merciful enough to bleed and die for you

Graceful enough to carry you through all

For His strength is made perfect in weakness


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