瑞士,南法普羅旺斯,巴黎21天休閑浪漫之旅:Day 20, 21 – July 02,July 03, 2017 - 金壁輝煌的巴黎歌劇院,老佛爺百貨萬花筒般的天頂,香奈兒總部旗艦店,平安回家!
day20 | Shopping Day | |
7/2/2017 (Sun) | 1. Opera Garnier (inside visit); then early dinner? (10am~1pm~5pm) |
PARIS004 | 2. 31 Rue Cambon Chanel; We didn't have time to go to Avenue Montaigne | |
| 3. Printemps Haussmann; Champs-Elysees windows shopping; | |
| 4. Galleries Lafayette and eat at its roof? We just view the roof. | |
| and did couple of hours shopping and credit cards' damage. | |
Some sites we planned to go but didn't have time to visit
- Moulin Rouge Café
- Louvr night view or Musee d'Orsay till 9:45pm
- Book a day trip to Lore Area (I didn't have time to do it but my sisters did it)
- Notre Dame (no climb with museum pass yet), we didn't visit inside and we didn't climb the tower due to very very long line.
- We didn't climb Arc de Triomphe
- We didn't visit the Shakespeare book store
- We don't have time Le Jardin du Luxembourg & Montparnasse; Pantheon (I visited these sites in 2008, not this time)
- We didn't go to Le Bon Marche (Dept Store and food store)and Hermes; till 7pm; the dinner
- Rodin Museum & Garden (10am~5:45pm); (I visited it in 2008 not this time)
- We didn't have time to visit Invalides & Napoleon Tomb (10am~6pm) (I visited it in 2008)
- Cluny museum (I did it in 2008 but not this time)
day 21 | chkout 7/3; CDG to EWR | |
7/3/2017 (Mon) | dept CDG 7/3 12:50pm to KEF(Keflavik) 7/3 14:10pm WW405 | |
AIR (WOW air) | layover 1h10min; | |
| dept KEF 7/3 15:20pm to EWR 7/3 15:30pm WW103; arr airport 4hr ahead at least | |
Some useful tips
- Bring your own GPS and buy the European map chip and insert it into your own GPS
- Book wifi everywhere from: Tel:33 176 44 030 http://travel-wifi.com/en, you can use google map, check travel information, find good restaurants, connect with your family and friends easily!!
- Rent your car in advance, you can rent a smaller car since drive in Europe with a smaller car is more flexible - the streets are narrow as well as the parking lots. Don't rent a car from Enterprise which has no enough cars in France.
- Better to buy Switzerland pass which will save your transportation expenses (Everything in Switzerland is expensive especially the transportation and tour sites)
- Booked your trains ahead of time, reserve your seats ahead of time if reservation is required especially for the scenery trains ex: Bernina Express or Glacier line; You will get much cheaper tickets (3 ~ 4 months earlier)
- Bring your chargers, power banks and power converters for Switzerland and France/Europe compatible (if you forget, you can always borrow it from hotel)
- Driving in Nice is a challenge especially go east of Nice, do a tour. You may go to west of Nice by bus or train.
- Bring your credit cards with the type that don't charge your foreign transaction fees
- Buy Paris museum pass which can save your time of lining up; If you want to climb Eiffel Tower, book your ticket online ahead of time, you don't want to waste your time on line.
- Don't buy luxuries from Switzerland, you get only 5% VAT or you may not get it since it's harder to do VAT. Buy your luxury goods in France and you'd get average 12% VAT (Do some research and price compare before you buy things especially the luxury goods ex: bags, purse, perfumes, watches, brand-name clothes/accessories)
Happy Travel!!!


- 瑞士,南法普羅旺斯,巴黎21天休閑浪漫之旅:Day 001 – 002 – 003 -JUNE 13 ~ 15,2017 – 到瑞士,蘇黎世到庫爾,乘坐列人世界文化遺產的最美的風景慢列(PART 1)
- 瑞士,南法普羅旺斯,巴黎21天休閑浪漫之旅:Day 001 – 002 – 003 -JUNE 13 ~ 15,2017 – 到瑞士,蘇黎世到庫爾,乘坐列人世界文化遺產的最美的風景慢列(PART 2)
- 瑞士,南法普羅旺斯,巴黎21天休閑浪漫之旅:Day004 到瑞士,波恩老城,盧塞恩,廊橋,遊輪 (Part 1)
- 瑞士,南法普羅旺斯,巴黎21天休閑浪漫之旅:Day004 到瑞士,波恩老城,盧塞恩,廊橋,遊輪 (Part 2)
- 瑞士,南法普羅旺斯,巴黎21天休閑浪漫之旅:Day005 – 到瑞士,因特拉肯,格林德瓦 – 少女峰
- 瑞士,南法普羅旺斯,巴黎21天休閑浪漫之旅:Day006:到瑞士,盧塞恩交通博物館,因特拉肯西站,畫中畫的Spetz鎮,乘坐黃金風景快車再換BUS 到達洛桑
- 瑞士,南法普羅旺斯,巴黎21天休閑浪漫之旅:Day007:到瑞士,遊覽洛桑美景,參觀奧林匹克館,老城教堂,碧玉般的日內瓦湖
- 瑞士,南法普羅旺斯,巴黎21天休閑浪漫之旅:Day008:乘坐法瑞高鐵從瑞士日內瓦到法國阿維尼翁,提車波折,到旅館與妹匯和,預定阿維尼翁最好的餐館
- 瑞士,南法普羅旺斯,巴黎21天休閑浪漫之旅:Day 009 – JUNE 21,2017 – 阿維尼翁早市,羅馬印跡,陽光的追隨者,梵高,普羅旺斯的音樂節
- 瑞士,南法普羅旺斯,巴黎21天休閑浪漫之旅:Day 010 – JUNE 22,2017 – 阿維尼翁城街巷迷宮,天空廢墟之城
- 瑞士,南法普羅旺斯,巴黎21天休閑浪漫之旅:Day 011 – JUNE 23,2017 – 石頭城,紅土城,休道院,紫色花夢,伴日落而行
- 瑞士,南法普羅旺斯,巴黎21天休閑浪漫之旅:Day 012 – JUNE 24,2017 – 被葡萄園環繞的小村莊,法國的異類-灰色調的馬賽
- 瑞士,南法普羅旺斯,巴黎21天休閑浪漫之旅:Day 013 – JUNE 25,2017 – 告別老城,抵達蔚藍色海濱城市-尼斯
- 瑞士,南法普羅旺斯,巴黎21天休閑浪漫之旅:Day 014 A– JUNE 26,2017 – 戛納,香水,尼斯西邊美麗如畫的中世紀古堡壘和懸崖小鎮
- 瑞士,南法普羅旺斯,巴黎21天休閑浪漫之旅:Day 014 B– JUNE 26,2017 – 戛納,香水,尼斯西邊美麗如畫的中世紀古堡壘和懸崖小鎮
- 瑞士,南法普羅旺斯,巴黎21天休閑浪漫之旅:Day 015– JUNE 27,2017 – 尼斯:聖尼古拉斯東正教教堂,休閑購物日
- 瑞士,南法普羅旺斯,巴黎21天休閑浪漫之旅:Day 016A– JUNE 28,2017 尼斯東部鷹巢小鎮埃茲,秀珍小國摩納哥,紙醉金迷蒙特卡洛,法意邊境的五彩老城芒通
- 瑞士,南法普羅旺斯,巴黎21天休閑浪漫之旅:Day 016B– JUNE 28,2017 尼斯東部法意邊境的五彩老城芒通,尼斯海鮮大拚盤晚餐
- 瑞士,南法普羅旺斯,巴黎21天休閑浪漫之旅:Day 017a– JUNE 29,2017 再見! – 地中海蔚藍的海水湛藍的天空,下一站巴黎,奧賽美術館之夜:畫影樂!
- 瑞士,南法普羅旺斯,巴黎21天休閑浪漫之旅:Day 017b– JUNE 29,2017 – 巴黎我回來了,奧賽美術館之夜:畫影樂!
- 瑞士,南法普羅旺斯,巴黎21天休閑浪漫之旅:Day 018– JUNE 30,2017 – 巴黎我回來了,盧浮宮浮光掠影賞頂尖極品,艾菲爾鐵塔臨風登頂遠觀:巴黎盡收眼底!
- 瑞士,南法普羅旺斯,巴黎21天休閑浪漫之旅:Day 019a – July 01,2017 – 聖禮拜堂的玫瑰天花窗,蓬皮的怪異,橘園美術館的經典,聖心教堂的居高臨下,雨中彩虹中的杜樂麗,協和廣場
- 瑞士,南法普羅旺斯,巴黎21天休閑浪漫之旅:Day 019b – July 01,2017 – 聖禮拜堂的玫瑰天花窗,蓬皮的怪異,橘園美術館的經典,聖心教堂的居高臨下,雨中彩虹中的杜樂麗,協和廣場
- 瑞士,南法普羅旺斯,巴黎21天休閑浪漫之旅:Day 20, 21 – July 02,July 03, 2017 – 金壁輝煌的巴黎歌劇院,老佛爺百貨萬花筒般的天頂,香奈兒總部旗艦店,平安回家!