
室內設計師Dirk Vander Kooij,荷蘭

(2018-08-23 18:30:05) 下一個
 發表於 2014-1-6 00:16:44 
室內設計藝術家 Dirk V Kooij,荷蘭
Dirk Vander Kooij, Holland

All images courtesy of Dirk Vander Kooij Studio.

出生於1983年的荷蘭室內藝術家Dirk Vander Kooij在完成荷蘭埃因霍溫設計學院的畢業作品時,受一個古老的三維打印機啟發,開始癡迷於快速原型設計,他以出眾的藝術創造和想象力,演變重建了老的三維打印機-“機器人”,成為有史以來第一人成功地打印出大的物體:“永恒的椅子”。

於2010年畢業後,Dirk的“永恒的椅子”在米蘭的Salone del Mobile年展吸引了眾多的關注。一年後,一套家具產生:椅子,桌子,和一把搖椅。從此他的作品被多家博物館認可收購,並贏得幾項設計獎。他的三角燈在2012年10月的北京國際設計周獲得成功。



另附2014年4月8日Dirk Vander Kooij新聞:
NEWS:TUESDAY 08 APRIL 2014For the first time since 2009, this year I'm going to skip the madhouse called Milan. Usually we would have been very busy making preparations, so there is a slight sense of emptiness... But we have good reason. This year we want to focus entirely on the opening of our new premises at the Hembrug site in Zaandam, near Amsterdam.
The opening of Studio Dirk Vander Kooij and Dutch Design Year will take place during Design District at the Hembrug site on Friday, May the 23rd 2014, about 17:00 hours. So make a note in your diary and in due course we'll send you an invitation with some extra information.

第一把椅子 First Chair 2009 Photo by Sanne Kooijmans

Flow Dinning Chair Yellow. Photo by Sanne Kooijmans

Flow Dinning Chair Two Tone Green. Photo by Sanne Kooijmans

Flow Coffee Table, Aqua Blue. Photo by Sanne Kooijmans

Endless Pulse Low Chair Gradient Green. 

New Babylon, The Hague.
Fat Line Table Round, Flow Dinning Chair Mass Green.

Diffuser Cabinet. Milan 2013. Photo by Tatiana Uzlova

New Babylon Lounge Chairs Stone Red, Fat Line Table Stone Red.

New Babylon Lenses Vase 3m.

Meeting Pot Side Table, Living room setting.

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