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2006 Toyota Sienna V6 XLE vs 2003 Subaru Outback H6 3.0 LLBean

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• 冷鋒,冰雪,老車:2003 Subaru H6 Outback LLBean Care醫改 - ♀ (2123 bytes) (714 reads) 01/12/2019  20:17:32 (1)

• 又花2500美金?夠買兩輛了 eglington0 - ♂   (0 bytes) (3 reads) 01/14/2019  10:23:41

• 06 Toyota Sienna XLE 使用匯報(2) than - ♂   (4585 bytes) (10804 reads) 01/15/2019  07:16:33 (2)

• 成色不錯。水泵換了嗎? transmission 潤滑油換過嗎? 機油多少邁換一次? 老金工 - ♂   (0 bytes) (3 reads) 01/15/2019  07:49:52 

• 水泵在十萬英裏和timing belt一起換了,開始有一點點leak. Transmission fluid每四-五萬英裏換一次 than - ♂   (97 bytes) (59 reads) 01/15/2019  08:16:00 (1)

• I suspect this is the serpent belt on the outside of engine. bashfulx - ♂   (83 bytes) (28 reads) 01/15/2019  10:14:23 

• 大拿,這台引擎的水泵是由正時皮帶驅動的好嗎! 講講換水泵及正時帶和serpentine belt是啥關係? Oneshotkill - ♂   (0 bytes) (4 reads) 01/15/2019  10:37:00 

• Most engines have timing chains. Some have timing belt with tee bashfulx - ♂   (235 bytes) (27 reads) 01/15/2019  11:48:33 

• 那和你懷疑的serpentine belt是什麽邏輯關係呢? Oneshotkill - ♂   (0 bytes) (1 reads) 01/15/2019  12:45:21 

• The belt driving the water pump is serpentine belt. Not timing b bashfulx - ♂   (0 bytes) (3 reads) 01/15/2019  14:22:54 

• 他這06 車應該是timing belt車,water pump應該是由timing belt驅動。 xyun2013 - ♂  (105 bytes) (8 reads) 01/15/2019  15:22:25 

• 保養到位還是很重要。引擎運轉有無明顯老了的感覺?我08Highlander,16萬邁水泵開始有噪音,機油比較勤換,不超5k 老金工 - ♂   (0 bytes) (11 reads) 01/15/2019  09:06:04 (1)

• 說的對!引擎聲音非常小,開起來和新車感覺差不多!我現在改用0w20, 平均油耗20mph(60%是高速裏程) than - ♂   (0 bytes) (4 reads) 01/15/2019  09:19:36 

• 1MZ FE engine smooth like silk MoonRiverMe - ♂   (0 bytes) (1 reads) 01/15/2019  10:27:06 

• 不知道氧傳感器換過沒有,我的2001年19k邁車換過3個,很貴。據修車師傅說是長期使用普通無鉛汽油的問題。我想如果換換fuel ... benniao - ♂   (0 bytes) (20 reads) 01/15/2019  08:01:17 

• 沒有,spark plugs也還沒換過! than - ♂   (0 bytes) (2 reads) 01/15/2019  08:17:40 

• 你那個修車師傅修的是啥車?自行車? MoonRiverMe - ♂   (53 bytes) (53 reads) 01/15/2019  08:50:52 

• 我也是查了手冊才知道,2001年的車需要加plus以上的油。benniao - ♂   (0 bytes) (3 reads) 01/15/2019  16:33:58 

• 上禮拜換了O2 sensor ... 老金工 - ♂   (649 bytes) (80 reads) 01/15/2019  09:18:04 

• $40刀的O2能扛多久?期待update.... xyun2013 - ♂   (0 bytes) (2 reads) 01/15/2019  15:26:25 

• 沒有問題,我會 update 這個城頭連接 老金工 - ♂   (0 bytes) (1 reads) 01/16/2019  14:07:06 

• 190K吧? 原上草2017 - ♂    (0 bytes) (0 reads) 01/15/2019  10:39:30 

• 車外觀不錯,brake fluid要每三萬miles flush一次, radiator打開看看是否清澈, transmissi xl105 - ♂   (0 bytes) (15 reads) 01/15/2019  08:17:56 

• 是這樣的. 剛剛在dealer做了一次coolant flush! 我一般四-五萬英裏drain and refill 一次co than - ♂   (0 bytes) (10 reads) 01/15/2019  08:32:53 (1)

• 舊的fluid怎麽處理?dumpster? lovecorn - ♂   (51 bytes) (14 reads) 01/15/2019  09:33:01 

• 本人注意環保,所有換的油/液體都送到Firesone 或dealer回收! than - ♂   (0 bytes) (3 reads) 01/15/2019  09:47:09 

• 這是coolant flush在dealer做的原因! than - ♂  (0 bytes) (3 reads) 01/15/2019  09:48:11 

• auto stores 不收coolant? xyun2013 - ♂  (0 bytes) (2 reads) 01/15/2019  15:27:36 

• 丟在dumpster 應該是違法的! than - ♂   (0 bytes) (3 reads) 01/15/2019  09:58:27 

• coolant好像可以flush down to the toilet MoonRiverMe - ♂   (0 bytes) (2 reads) 01/15/2019  10:38:59 

• i know. lovecorn - ♂    (97 bytes) (43 reads) 01/15/2019  10:49:31 

• 您這是看俺年輕呀! than - ♂   (169 bytes) (31 reads) 01/15/2019  11:33:38 

• 還趕不上我2000 Sienna XLE. Yangtze430030 - ♂   (850 bytes) (261 reads) 01/15/2019  09:50:20 

• 證明了這個牌子耐開...但是 老金工 - ♂   (333 bytes) (129 reads) 01/15/2019  10:58:49 

• 你誤會了!朋友的車跟我的不相幹。他買的新車開了25萬英哩賣的時候也沒換。 Yangtze430030 - ♂    (0 bytes) (3 reads) 01/16/2019  11:11:34 

• 哦哦,對不住。你盆友把 timing belt 開成 timing chain了,厲害!...... 老金工 - ♂   (558 bytes) (13 reads) 01/16/2019  12:16:05 

• 質量賊牛13 , 很省心。 planet - ♂   (0 bytes) (6 reads) 01/15/2019  11:13:51 

• 車況這麽好又顯新的車不開二三十萬都不好意思出門了!前叉臂膠套更換要鬆引擎mount,750刀如果是滴樂換還算合理。 Oneshotkill - ♂   (569 bytes) (58 reads) 01/15/2019  09:52:06 

• 是在dealer那裏換的!我的車裏麵也保養的不錯,所以想繼續開 than - ♂   (0 bytes) (8 reads) 01/15/2019  10:19:41 

• You have a timing belt? That thing is expensive to replace bashfulx - ♂   (0 bytes) (2 reads) 01/15/2019  10:07:39 

• 十萬邁時換過了,皮帶現在看著非常好,不打算換了! than♂   (0 bytes) (2 reads) 01/15/2019  10:23:24 

• 正時皮帶在引擎裏麵,怎麽看到的? 股聾 - ♂    (169 bytes) (15 reads) 01/15/2019  11:19:39 

• 十萬邁換的時候我的舊timing belt就看著很好, 一點裂紋都沒有! than - ♂   (79 bytes) (25 reads) 01/15/2019  11:28:55 

• Timing Belt 不能從外觀上判明是好的。 TBz - ♂   (68 bytes) (35 reads) 01/15/2019  15:11:13 

• 謝謝分享你的經驗!二十萬邁之後再考慮是否再換一次,倒是可以試一下不換能開多久! than - ♂   (0 bytes) (1 reads) 01/15/2019  16:06:12 

• 你的可能是幹擾引擎,正時帶斷保廢引擎。 (Interference / Non-interference Engine) 老金工♂   (296 bytes) (29 reads) 01/15/2019  17:55:50 (1)

• 是 TBz - ♂    (29 bytes) (9 reads) 01/15/2019  22:05:09 

• 汗!我的2006 馬六, 17萬邁,你這些還都沒換過 股聾 - ♂    (250 bytes) (95 reads) 01/15/2019  11:15:34 

• sway link 就十幾塊,鬆緊兩個螺絲適合DIY bushihandyman - ♂    (0 bytes) (4 reads) 01/15/2019  11:57:07 

• 原廠的比較貴 than - ♂   (108 bytes) (32 reads) 01/15/2019  13:15:22 

• 這種東西,隻要不吱吱響,我就不理它 bushihandyman - ♂    (0 bytes) (3 reads) 01/15/2019  18:16:34 

• 說的是!就是因為自己能換才換的,不然的話會等等 than - ♂   (0 bytes) (2 reads) 01/15/2019  19:12:07 

• 2001 Honda Odyssey 除消耗部件,其他都是原裝 老愛踢 - ♂   (584 bytes) (15 reads) 01/16/2019  09:40:51 

• Sienna 這車12萬後,底盤就開始鬆了, 要找店把所有的 khyang86 - ♂   (35 bytes) (23 reads) 01/16/2019  10:13:59


2006 Toyota Sienna V6 XLE vs 2003 Subaru Outback H6 3.0 LLBean


Compare the performance, security, data sheets, test drives, equipment and photos with the comparison tool You can also click on the following popular consumer comparison. You will then be able to add or change the vehicles to compare.


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