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最近公司人事部培訓員工Empathy,看了標題挺納悶的,同情有什麽好學的? 看完50分鍾的視頻,再查了下字典。發現自己把Empathy 和 Sympathy混為一談了。今天與大家分享。
後來再看一遍培訓視頻的小片段。一個人掉進井裏,Sympathy的站在井台說:"那個人好可憐哦!" Empathy的找到梯子,爬下去,再和他一起爬上來。
這兩個詞都有同情的意思。但Empathy沒有walk away from the problem。
. understand how the other person is feeling with the mood elevator
. active listening. Paraphrase – repeat what they say in different words. Pause and reflect before responding
EMOTIONAL Train to feel what the other person is feeling
. Ask questions. Can you tell me more? Give me an example?
. Acknowledge. Thank them for sharing. Repeat how they are feeling
COMPASSION Train by taking a walk in the other person's shoes
. Stay curious. Take a walk in the other person's shoes
. Seek out new perspectives. Have a coffee chat witha coworker