2025 (1)
在領取社會保金的時候聽起來像是“終極金融勝利”! 畢竟您已經為社會保障事業做出了40年的貢獻,因此現在該是時候盡情享受勞動成果的時候了! 不過領取社保金還存在限製,並且SSA會嚴格執行這些限製。 重要的是,如果您不遵守規定,社會保障局將減少或消除您的社保金利益...
在這裏要說明收入限製、例外情況、第一年和第二年的情況一直到完全退休年齡(full retiement age, 以下簡稱FRA),FRA以67歲為例。這篇短文使您了解到有關工作和領取社保金的簡單規則。討論還包括了當社保金領取限製不再適用,以及您有足夠的自由賺取想要的收入並且仍然可以領取取社保金。
1. 收入限製:
2. 收入類型:
3. 提早領取社保金年份會發生什麽?
The SSA gives an September "Adjusted" payment later.
The SSA recaculates... September and December
and will pay you the adjusted amount in the following year
4. 在FRA領取社保金年份會發生什麽?
Again, the SSA recaculates... September and December
and will pay you the adjusted amount in the following year
Do I have to pay FICA taxes on my earnings if I also collect Social Security?
Yes. There is no exemption for paying the Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA) payroll taxes that fund the Social Security and Medicare systems. As long as you work in a job that is covered by Social Security, FICA taxes will be withheld from your paycheck.
是的,不能豁免。開始領社保金,又同時工作,工作的那部分薪水是需要扣除社保和Medicare稅的(稱為FICA taxes)。上麵的規定中說了,隻要是您從事社會保障所涵蓋的工作,FICA稅將從您的薪水中扣除。
“Here's what happens if you collect Social Security early while working
To answer the most basic question, you absolutely can work, part- or full-time, while receiving Social Security benefits. However, there are rules that limit how much of your benefit you're allowed to keep depending on your claiming age, full retirement age (i.e., the age you become eligible to receive 100% of your monthly benefit, as determined by your birth year), and your earned income.
For example, anyone receiving Social Security benefits who won't reach their full retirement age in 2021 (or any current year) is subject to what's known as the retirement earnings test. The retirement earnings test allows the Social Security Administration to withhold some or all of your benefits based on much you earn. In 2021, early filers are allowed to earn up to $18,960 ($1,580 a month) before withholding kicks in.
If you earn over $18,960 in wages or salary, $1 in benefits will be withheld for every $2 in earnings above this threshold. The retirement earnings test might thus prevent you from double-dipping on income sources or paying off debt. ”