April 15, 2024
之所以住到Folks 的hotel就是因為這裏離Hoh Rain Forest比較近。按原計劃是昨天來Rain Forest 的。今天去海邊的。看天氣預報今天有雨,所以調整了一下。下雨天去海邊就不好玩了,而到Rain Forest卻合適。
一到那裏就被那獨特的景象驚住了。這裏的植被繁茂,樹木高大,幾乎每一寸土地都被綠色植物覆蓋。沿著The Hall of Mosses Trail 蜿蜒穿過這片古老而奇特的森林,看到許多高聳的樹和各種雨林生態。
“This colonnade of Sitka spruce and western hemlock straddles the remains of its nurse log.Even if the nurse log had moldered completed away, the buttressed roots of the trees standing in a straight line would tell how growth began."
Plant on Plant: The atmosphere of the rain forest is so fertile that some plants thrive on air. Dining on mositure and nutrients from rain and windborne particles, clubmoss and licorice fern fasten to trunks and vranches but do not harm their hosts.
我們在那裏遊玩了二個小時,把附近幾個短的Trail都走了一遍。後來天氣晴了,又把Hall of Mosses Trail走了一圈。