橘黃是我比較喜歡的一種顏色。它讓人感到溫暖。所以我對橘黃色的Sungold小西紅柿和Kellogg's breakfast大西紅柿一見鍾情。關鍵是人家不光顏值高,還高產,好吃。這樣它們就成了我們每年必種的西紅柿品種。由於市場上不太容易碰上這兩個品種的苗,所以都得從種子育苗開始。
Orange is one of my favorite colors. It is bright. It is warm.
After I first saw and tasted Sungold cherry tomatoes, I knew it will be in our garden year after year.
Kellogg's breakfast tomato was first planted in our garden last year. I fell in love with it right away after the first sight of its fruit. The fruit is big and delicious. It became the staple of our garden.
P1:Sungold小西紅柿和Kellogg's breakfast大西紅柿;




P5:Tomatos, pan-fried halloumi cheese and basils.

P6:fried tomatos, loofah and shrimps

P7: Pan-fried salmon with tomatos , red and green shishito peppers

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