
【壇慶大PK】【屠龍隊】《Sunrise Tells the Story》(新/獨)+ 《我和你》(合)+ 秀220

(2021-08-16 15:28:33) 下一個

節目(1) Sunrise Tells the Story (獨唱)100 + 20 

決定參加壇慶大PK後就開始找歌,平時聽Spotify,所以決定找E歌,還不容易撞歌,E歌正好也是我的短板,聽了無數遍(已經數不清),唱成現在這樣,我的音樂老師急死,這口音太重,???? 他今天下午還跟我ZOOM。 他是一個藝術家追求完美,我說這次不行我要發子彈參加fight????, 等我打完仗再慢慢跟你後麵學習,我答應他要從現在的70分提高到85分,所以這是半成品,不怪老師,我實在不會唱E歌,還請壇子裏麵的E歌高手多多指教。關鍵是上次我發了二首鏈子和史東的E歌給他聽,他覺得俺們這裏全是E歌高手。還有最重要的事,這次嗓子掛了,昨晚錄好這首歌,咳嗽厲害,我跟老師說這幾天不能用嗓子了。他表示很遺憾,給我送來了Vocal therapy的material. 喜歡這首歌是因為我本來就你喜歡鄉村歌曲,還有這首歌的歌詞寫得太有水平了…..含蓄美….. 

Sunrise Tells The Story (Cover Midland)

Release date: 7/1/2021 (點擊鏈接證實)


吉他伴奏:Anthony Postman 

There's a half cigarette swimming in red wine
The record still spinning the scene of the crime
It's looking like a tornado 'bout to come crashing through the door
Can't say what happened, but one thing's for sure

The moon saw it all through a thin piece of glass
And the stars must have blushed when you kissed me like that
We can't hide the evidence
It's scattered everywhere in all its naked glory
The night knows the truth
The sunrise tells the story

Oh, the last I recall it was a quarter 'til two
We headed back to my place like two strangers do
And who would've thought that we'd end up all tangled up together
The night was a witness to our sweet surrender

And the moon saw it all through a thin piece of glass
And the stars must have blushed when you kissed me like that
We can't hide the evidence
It's scattered everywhere in all its naked glory
The night knows the truth
The sunrise tells the story
Yeah, yeah, yeah

Is it a book or a chapter, a few words on a page?
Don't know where it's going, I just want you to stay

And the moon saw it all through a thin piece of glass
And the stars must have blushed when you kissed me like that
We can't hide the evidence
It's scattered everywhere in all its naked glory
The night knows the truth
But the sunrise tells the story
Oh, the night knows the truth
The sunrise, mm tells the story

Source: LyricFind

Songwriters: Aaron Raitiere / Jess Carson / Jessi Alexander

Sunrise Tells The Story lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Warner Chappell Music, Inc


節目(2) 我和你 (合作)50 + 30  非常感謝大城小廚的合作,這次PK跟大城的合作愉快高效是我最大的收獲。


節目(3) 舞蹈練習《萬水千山總是情》(童麗版)。 (+20? 班長也好意思就給這麽點分?)


(2016年拍的,被單位要求弄一張照片放到內部網,放在Employee Spotlight, 我就權當是“先進工作者”了,哈哈哈哈???? )


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