

14 Love, met in eyes (Beijing University) 情眼相逢

(2017-04-17 09:09:48) 下一個

14 Love, met in eyes (Beijing University)


Is the rain the tears of sky for lost its love last night?

Is the wind the clothes weaved flying through trees?

Is the ripple the smile when lake make love with stars?      

Is the petals on grass the music when flowers kissed in ray of dawn?

I was leaving 1995 from my dear Hainan island dear Christy,

Employed in Xinhua News Agency, the national News Agency at that time, but I was willing in leave, leave to Beijing, study English.

O, Hainan Island, you’re hold in my heart;

A song from dawn singing over the sea, as the night yield way to this new day.

Eyes on the floating line at the end of sky in distance:

My life’s new horizon, my soul’s next harbor.


Part 1___________


Through a tiny side door, I entered the campus in early spring.

the pink white peach flower blooming over the low wall, thin and long willow branches greened ripples in the “No-Name Lake”.

A few old retired teachers were playing Taiji in white silky clothes,

A girl stood by the lake, reciting the English sentence, her soft hair flying in breeze;

Holding my bowl, I went to the student café.

Everybody lined up in the dining hall, girl’s skirts like petals mixed in hiving of songs, smiles, and loud laughter;

And colorful shirt, bags, hat, hair pin, formed the hall a youth sea …. summer is sea of youth.

“let me see, let see,” once someone got food out, many heads gathered over, took a look on dishes, stew beef green leek, yellow beans, white spouse,

“let me try, give me a try,” a girl urged, the boy reach out his spoon sent food to her mouth,

“not bad,” she said,

I was standing at the end of a line, looked around, young face of boys and girls,  

Somebody opened a recorder,  

“Watery black hair is your smile face,

“How difficult it is to forget it the change since you left

old days like thin clouds passing over the way, 

by looking back, several years have been hastily rolling away”

………. “Love in 1990”

As my mind lingering on the song, I felt an eye lighted upon me.

Just a shimmer, like ray of dawn light on a dew.

A girl stood another line, she looked at me.

My eye glanced her a second, remained at the edge of her face,

Just a moment, two thin willow branches swinging and touched in breeze,

our eyes met.

The elegant shining smile ripple in her eyes, the grace of charming.

looked each other, a stare in addressing and calling; in an embrace, as ripple of sound spreading around in lake of souls….

Only less than second, both of us eyes turned away;

And the touch in eyes flew inside, the words in glance read in silence, in the depth of heart, in the world under the sea of love,

When I tried to look her again, she was disappeared.

Hold my bowl out, I slowly walked through the lines, looked around,

I saw her, through the gap of heads, she was there,

her faced me, and we looked at each other.

This time was longer, warmer, with more ray in color,  

Stared, with a hint of blink, she turned around.

the sound of rain drop, the hissing on the dry desert, the mist on a blade of grass…



She walked out of the hall, I followed her.

We were out of the hall, out of the crowd, walked along the red house beside the lake,

Birds were chirping on the wall amid green cane and leaves, she slowed down as felt that I was behind her,

and I fasted my steps, then we walked side by side,

Drums beat up in me, I was nerves.

Almost stopped, she hold her spoon, take her food to her mouth, while eyes on me,

I was in same, tried to pretend to eat my food but eyes on her;

O our eyes, butterfly blew its wings in violin’s sound, with the light of joy.

"you want to meet tonight? How about….." I hold my breath, I was stagger, couldn’t say clear words, the voice was in quivering,  

she looked at me, chewing her food in her mouth, “where?”

……… “You know…? You know …. that small forest by the lake?” I said in trembling.

“When?” her voice is crystal in cheer.

I was so relieved, my heart was calming down a bit.  

 “How about 9 o'clock?”

She nodded in an unnoticeable cute shy.


Part 2 __________


The sunlight still hovered over the trees, a path under was curving away;  

The “BoYa tower” reflected on ripples of lake, as a group of bird was flying above;

The day time is noisy like boys, and the dusk is a calm girl on her soft feet.

I was walking along the trees, longing my evening to come,

The early ray of dusk was in beautiful illusion with the lake.

A little girl squatted on stones, put a fold paper boat in water,

a boy stirring water and made it splashing, shout: “go, go, go far….”

they played their boat in the lake, few leaves flew and fell to join them;

The night comes darker, melt evening in black.


As I approaching the place, the girl was already there, stood under trees,

her eyes were glistening in darkness, her shadow on the ground, and her figure decked as silhouette in blurring hue,

and my heart started pounding, pounding wildly, and I was in steal step from her back, reached my arm out, turned her around and hold her fully in my arms.

Kiss, the kiss with wild force in darkness, the force with passionate love, on her face, her lips, as strong breath blew on her face,

she let me go, stayed in my arm in quietness,

One hand hold her waist, another one moved into her clothes, loosen her bra, pulled it up,  

on top of her breast, the warm and the tender, my hand hold it with vibrant in thrill.

She kissed me back strongly too, her hands around me, we were in wildness of touching and fondling in passion,

Lips on lips, hand on her body, hands moving around on her body, down to her hip, her legs under her skirt, then massage on her “flower petals”, her pussy;

It’s a little wet, then my hand went back her breast,

The moonlight through leave like veil on her face, her eyes, the eyelashes, her mouth opened….

“Oh…. Oh….” sounds out, murmuring and louder, as two fingers squeeze her nipple and gently turning it around, 

The nipple became erected and harder, and I pull all her clothes up in sudden,

Her clothes stayed under her neck, my head buried on her breast, shaking, and shaking, then sucked her nipple in my mouth.

the sucking with a gentle and strong bite, and she up her face to the sky, and body was stiffed, straight up in turning with my holding,

and her sound was out louder again, "Ah...Ah...."

The moonbeam on her breast, the area between was exuding a dim silvery glimmering,

her face, her breast, the nipple, the belly, a plume of moonlight was looming on the skin dimly visible.

And my hand moved down, to caress in her “fluffy wet land”,

“Ah….Ah….” she voice louder, and we wrestling each other, arms, legs, across each other;

And my finger got deeper, inside the sticky flesh, and touched the “red bean”, a little tip of flesh,

my pant down, and my man's wane got into her, then quickly stick in, into the wet entrance, the love’s channel, the flower channel.

she was hot like burning inside, with love's shivering,

The breeze kissed on our face, and the moon’s blurring light was on our messing clothes.  

And mixed with the fragrant spread out from her lips, the sexual perfume, with amazing smell,

we stared each other, we eyes to eyes in dark, blink stars over the sky,

I shot, shot as she trembled in my holding.

For a while, we hold each other, still stood against a tree;

Sat down in soften, sat down on ground.  

she led her body on me, and her face was on dim star light with beautiful in silvery hue.

she slowly raised her face, then lips on my neck,

we can't see clear each other in dark, but I could see my girl’s in most beautiful eyes after the sex.

When is girl’s the most beautiful moment?

After she had sex in love.

"how could you so sure that I would let you kiss me, you so sudden to huge me without saying anything?”  

her voice was half complaining, and half in affection with softness,

I had no word at the moment, just in silence.

O wind, please tell, how could I say?

I was in dark of embarrassing, my T-shirt was fluttering,

“I couldn’t help….. I …. I thought you would, let me…..” I stretched to hold her tighter,

It’s your eyes my girl, did your eyes grant me at the moment when they we? did we

even kiss each other already when our eyes touched?

“I felt I’ve kissed you,” I said, “I mean in the dining hall,”

“I kiss you in eyes, and I felt you kissed me neither,”

She was giggling and opened a smile,

“you think that way?”, “We seems meet before somewhere,” she said,

“I felt we know each other, and I felt I met an old friend,”

When my eye touched yours, I saw floating clouds just slept in arms of sky,

When our eyes met, the music was flying over the pasture,   

the drizzling in love fell on grasses, and thousands of strings in the sky,

the leaves in wind were chirping in glee.

No need any words, the love is in eyes.

when i touched your eye in the hall, my heart was touched as well,

i could see your eye different from hundreds of girls, the light of love;

I bent my forehead to touch her forehead, said,

“If you won’t let me kiss you, you won’t come, won’t you?”

she kissed me, as her answer.

“Could I kiss you now?”

“you kiss me already, and you ask,”


Part 3______________


A kite flew over the lawn in front of library, like a song from clouds.

A boy was holding his long thread, he eyed his flying bird, his yellow shirt was crested over grass;

I walked to the library, and stopped

The kite’s flying in the blue sky, in beautiful childhood, naïve cherry, innocent grape.

Inside of library, the hall was quiet,

I walked in between the bookshelves, to the place;

Yesterday the dining hall, I steal a paper in her hand, “Library 10am foreign literature section?”

By bright and tall windows, girls and boys bent their head over the book, the future’s


Einstein, or Leo Tolstoy, or Shakespeare, I hope;

A book is a tree, an eye is a bee, let them to be, let them free,

one day, you’ll go, you go to fly, fly to the sky, and I would with you, to fly, fly high;

I saw her, she was coming, through the bookshelves, I squatted down

listening her steps, listening to come closer, closer;

“Hey,” I hold down my voice, she turn her head, eyes me a smile,

She so lovely, stopped there,

I was in one side, she was another side, we were between bookshelves

our eye met over the standing books over books.

Sat at a corner on floor, she sat beside me, we were surrounding with tall bookshelves;

a big book on our crossing legs, our eyes were on the book, and our hand clinched under, and our hearts were jumping wildly.

A quiet Sunday morning for kiss? I turned my head to her,

kiss is the addressing, kiss is the word without sound, the sound is inside;

So happy to hide there, so happy quivering in our bodies when they touched in glee.

Our hand clinched under the book, and I squeeze her leg in gentle, and moving to her “flower part”,  

she slams on my hand, and turning around her head to see if somebody nearby,

I felt her slam’s pain, and felt it with the sense of happiness.

eye was on book, hand played in her “flower”, became sticky and flurry wet.

The photos shot from above in the book, our ocean, our land, and our whole spinning earth;

And we were sitting this corner, our bodies was together, two little piece of dust.

Our earth is spinning around the Sun, and our hearts are spinning around love;

And our hand touched under the big book, our lips touched under the sky,

Our universal is vast, our love is little, and it’s the universal’s core


I pet her, she was purring; she kiss me while I was crooning, a song she would listen, a serenade under her window in moonlight,

I wish the night come faster; and I would stay here forever,

the sound from her throat, a song in lullaby,

My tip of finger tipped on her thigh, and I play my piano on her flesh, she was my piano.

Outside of the tall window, the boy’s kite was flying in air,

It’s long tail was fluttering in clouds, the wind around it was the music,

The Happiness is flying, and our love songs were singing,

love is a sweet song, singing on her leg, her thigh, the music, so smooth, so sweet,

She press her hand on mine under the book to stop my move, but that made me even happier,

Should i be the grass around your “flower”?

Or should I be a bee to sip honey in the core of your “bud”?

My finger was touching my flower, and my heart was sweet drunk.

The leaves by the window were rustling, for the wind’s caress and kissing made them dancing;

A few leaves flew down, down to earth, they are return the earth with glee

And my finger fell down, down to my girl’s leg, a string of my violin, a key of love’s piano,

O my girl, I know, that you’re so nerves, I knew, and me neither,

if we were got caught, we won’t be in here anymore, and we’d exiled out of this campus, like Adam and Eve out of Eden Garden, for we bite love’s apple;

two different worlds were in us, one was our spirit home, as another reality world with strange face.

Study and love; present and future, they are fighting inside of us, and they are harmony to stay with us,

The wind is playing the leaves, and the sunlight warms the lawn.

The youth is here in fresh songs, and future is over there with green olive branch;

Life is a beautiful illusion, like that cloud over sky, an eternal question,


A kiss fell on her neck, her back of neck, there are furry body hairs on it, exuding youth’s scent,

My lips printed on there, never move out.

The afternoon was short, and the book was stranger

the music is flowing in youth’s river, our boats were floating on, with our sailing in love.

we walk by river, we walk by forest, we smile in wind, and sleepy in dream,

now we were in this secret corner, we were surrounding by the bookshelves, our love’s protecting screen,

tomorrow, I would seek the way to fly, fly high, and in high space, to see out earth, our ocean, our river, and this tiny corner, our love cradle;

we may find  a place where we don’t have to hide,

we may find a island where the love would sing sound of music in its nature voice

i could kiss your girl under the blue sky, and we could speak the language i love as music

she smile in my kiss, and I smiles when we kiss each other.

the leave fell down outside of window, they are fluttering over wind, 

and the kite, that boy’s kite, was still flying in air,

It was dancing in the bright sunlight, with the boy’s wing, in the ripple of wind,

we stood up, stood by the window, to watch the sun, watch the kite, and watch the birds flying.

Someday, we would be the birds, we would fly.

I kiss you, as a song to my girl, a tender and cute little girl.

She is my flower, with eye in shine of sun.

“you want to go oversea some day?”

She was in silence, and nodded.


Part 4_______________


“say something to me,” she said, a smile flits in her eyes.

“My saying is in wind, as its ballads floating over the blurring moonlight.

We met in the small forest, she was in my arms, and darkness of night like black fog filled in trees.

“say something about you, your life before me.”

Her hand around my waist, I pressed my lips on her face,

Only frogs sounds casually, one or two among leaves by the lake, I took off my jacket,

Put it on ground, we sat down,

“I say something, and you have to say good, you promise?”

She made her cute nod, one time, and another time.

“May I see your bubie? Your baba?”

“budie?” she asked.

“Let me see your bubie, your baba in your blouse,”

“You’re so bad guy,” she said, both hand chocked my neck;

“You want to see, ok,” she opened her collar, reached out her hand, and bent my head down,

“see, you see, you can’t see it”, she giggles.

“I hate your bra, it blocked my baba, let take it off, so they’ll be free,”

she smiled, and slowly took it off, tucked in my pant’s pocket,

“you see, you see, did you see it, it’s dark,”

My face, my lips on the top of her breast, it’s swaging as her body in slight shaking;

Tip of my tongue on tip of her nipple, cool and little touch, dim silvery ray of night,

A little squeeze on that little tender flesh,

She hold my head up, and squeeze my lips by hers,

“Tell me your love story you had before me, you may have many love stories,”

“The before has passed, and now I was in “the before”;

she squeeze my skin on my chest, it was pain with happiness;

I hold her, my face buried on her breast again

she stretched her finger, slide inside of my shirt, and squeezing my nipple,

“how do you feel?” she asked,

I felt a slightly quivering, a sense of sexual I had never had before,

“O, I love your touch,”

“I hope you have the feeling I had when you squeeze me,”

she finger were a bit stronger to squeeze it, and turning it as I did,

we play each other, and we loved in the playing happiness.

The night came deeper, and the bush grows taller, and the wind was cooler before.

Whisper by her ear, my lips on her neck, smell her scent of hair,

“You have to say something, as I said some,” I asked her.

“I don’t say, I kissed my words in your lips,” she said.

“A kiss on your eye, a butterfly on a flower

“A bite on your lip, a bee sips its her honey;”

“Are they the words from you?” 

She nodded, her face was blooming as flower in dim star light.

We sat here, in silence, under the tree, under the moon,

A leave fell down on my shoulder, I took it in hand,

pinched its tiny stem, spinning in cheer, then touched her eyelid, down her nose, and her lips,

to my girl, “it a signal from autumn”;

Leaves fell down, one by one, in turning from green to yellow of ripen, as a song, a song they sing with us, and fell on ground, return the earth as music of circle.

legs were paralyzed, I kneed up; hold her, she laid on my arms;

looked around, the trees, the bushes, and the moor, the star over there,

listen to the sound of season, it makes their turn, hot summer would yield the way to the harvest.

“how many star in the sky?”

“You could count?” I smile to ask her.

One kiss on your lips, it fly up as star in sky,

How many kiss on your lips, you have how many star in the sky;

your smile is your finger, will account stars in violin’s charming music

And your laughter is the most beautiful flower

And the river may rise, and the road may no end, and kiss is going on.......

In the darkness, the beautiful flowers blooming with liquid of love

i listen to your heart's song, and i was singing with it in glee  

in darkness, in silence, we were in silence of happiness flowing in joyful creek;

she was going to leave, she’d return her hometown city.

I loose her, she walked away,

It’s starting rain, a little rain, scatterings over leaves in rustling.

She turned, stopped in the dark of rain;

I raised my hand, waving to her, rain drops on my hair;

She walked back, one finger touched my lips with wet;

"sing a song together," she lower her voice, like a whisper,

"sing a song, here?

"Let me kiss you again first," I said.

We hold, our lips sticky together, stood, for a while.

“You know the song Denglijuan sings, “The moon represent my heart?”

She nodded, “It’s one of my favorite,”

“you’re asking me how deep I love you, how much I love you,

You go to think about it, and you go to take a look,

The moon represents my heart…….

A slightly kiss, it already moved my heart in ripple,

Deeply a phrase love feeling, I’ve been in missing till now ….”

we murmured the song with wet face, and rain wet us hair, face, and shoulder;

No knowing her name, no knowing her phone number, who she is,

And our nose touched, our mouth sung together, and our breath to breath…..

We hold each other, we sung together, in the dark, in the trees, in the sound of rain, in Beijing university beautiful campus

At the end that year, I went out through the tiny side door, left the campus to Canada.

Is the rain the tears of sky for loss its love?

Is the song the clothes of wind weaved as it flying through trees?

Yes, and we met, we met in eyes with love.



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