
這是一個交易的市場,還不是一個趨勢的市場 LonesomeK 著

(2008-09-11 13:25:59) 下一個
Greetings to ALL: Hope all are making a fist-ful of Money
來源: LonesomeK08-09-09 10:24:32
Just passing-by today, and stopping-by to say "Hi" to old friends...

Nice to see a number of you still doing-well-and-kicking...

The current markets in the US in these couple of months seem to be a trading market and hopefully some kind of mid-term trend (either upward or downward) can develop before long... Therefore, watch out and be careful not to be sucked into the whirlpool(s) of things in the short-term by going into the markets at some "bad" entry points... A basic-level reminder is always to set up the stop(s), even before going into any positions...

Again, the markets seem to be a trading market, but not a trending market yet... Many of the market indicators are still in neutral state, not at much extremes yet...

Happy Trading!!!

個人的一點謙遜的建議 (My Humble Suggestions ...)
來源: LonesomeK08-09-09 16:02:36
[English Original see below]

在當前的市場條件下,DQ這裏的多數人最好是停留在場外邊線... 等待市場好時機的出現並不會傷害到任何人,直到市場打破下支撐或打破阻力後,才再赤裸跳躍入“水”...


再次,耐心、耐心 和 更多的耐心...


A Humble Suggestion to Those just made a great bet or just lost

In the current market conditions, it is best for most people at DQ to stay on the side-line... It would not hurt to wait till the markets are either breaking-down or breaking-out before jumping into the "water" naked...

If one does not have a good risk-control mind-set and sharp eyes, s/he could easily get double-slapped on both sides/chins of the face...

Again, patience, patience, and more patience...

Happy Trading!!!
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