


(2021-05-14 04:40:22) 下一個

每年的五月份,是美國的Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month。ABC電台的黃金檔“早安美國”(GMA:Good Morning America),每年都會推出一個“The GMA Inspiration List”,來表彰年度為美國社會做出傑出貢獻的亞裔人士。

Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month celebrates the contributions of one of the fastest-growing groups of people living in the United States. Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders contain multitudes. They are a global community with a homegrown and unique perspective on America.

Their diversity expands continents and demographics. The hopes and dreams of the AAPI community are America at its finest, and its people and traditions are those that are tightly stitched into the fabric of the nation. The American dream is alive and well within the AAPI community, and we've gathered so many of those dreams here throughout this inspiring list of individuals.

We're publishing The GMA Inspiration List as the community asserts its voice — speaking out and standing up as anti-Asian violence has spread amid the COVID-19 pandemic; defining itself on its own terms; and increasing awareness of their collective history and future in the United States.

The month of May is a time to remember those who have enriched the community and others with knowledge, pride and respect. We recognize that work, those struggles and the vision for the future of the AAPI community, and reflect on the idea that their history is at the heart of American history. Welcome to the GMA INSPIRATION LIST: Who's Making AAPI History Right Now?

Good Morning America and ABC News asked influential AAPI leaders, celebrities, intellectuals, entrepreneurs, athletes and more to nominate fellow members of the community for the list. It's important to note: the vastness of the AAPI community means it has deep ties in countries of origin, which includes the rich Asian global diaspora. To honor the global community, we've provided space for nominators who do not identify as American. Most of the nominations on the list are rising stars on the cusp of becoming household names, whose influence, we believe, will become monumental. They are those who are doing the work, gaining success and sharing their talent … and making history right now.

America, meet the next generation of AAPI excellence.

感謝閨女的校友,美國國家花樣滑冰隊的冰上王子 Vincent Zhou 的大力推薦,閨女近年來為亞裔發聲,為AAPI community所作的貢獻得到了認可,很榮幸地入選今年的 The GMA Inspiration List 







四嫂:什麽??你原來每小時就pay閨女12塊錢??新州的minimum wage !!!!你。。你。。你。。



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laopika 回複 悄悄話 誇小棉襖的幽默方式:)
爪四哥 回複 悄悄話 回複 'AP33912' 的評論 : 還有四年的學費 :-(
爪四哥 回複 悄悄話 回複 '梔子花開2020' 的評論 :阿凡提的凡 :-)
AP33912 回複 悄悄話 張白勞,也不是,你還供飯(四萊一湯),12 低了點,付現金還行 -:)
梔子花開2020 回複 悄悄話 凡爾賽,哈哈
爪四哥 回複 悄悄話 回複 '喜清靜' 的評論 : 艾瑪,太破財了。俺這個老財迷。。。想靜靜
喜清靜 回複 悄悄話 哈哈,四嫂勒令四哥從現在開始,補發拖欠小棉襖的工資再加利息。