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The Three Robbers

Tomi Ungerer
“The Three Robbers”的圖片搜索結果
         Tomi Ungerer就是Jean-Thomas,1931年出生於在法國,在德軍占領的阿爾薩斯居住過,1956年,移民美國,因此他通曉英文、德文、法文,發表了140本圖書,20世紀60年代末期,他和妻子遷到了加拿大,1976年,又帶著妻子和3個孩子搬到了愛爾蘭,做了一個農民。1998年,獲得國際安徒生文學獎Hans Christian Andersen Award。2003年,被任命為47個國家的兒童教育大使。2007年,他的家鄉專門為他建立了博物館the Musée Tomi Ungerer/Centre international de l’illustration,並被歐洲委員會評選為歐洲10個最好的博物館之一,下次去歐洲,除了去盧浮宮Musée du Louvre、羅丹博物館Musée Rodin、凡爾賽宮Château de Versailles,別忘了去逛逛the Musée Tomi Ungerer/Centre international de l’illustration。
The Mellops Go Flying (1957)
Mellops Go Diving for Treasure (1957)
Crictor (1958)
The Mellops Strike Oil (1958)
Adelaide (1959)
Christmas Eve at the Mellops (1960)
Emile (1960)
Rufus (1961)
The Three Robbers (1961)
Snail, Where Are You? (1962)
Mellops Go Spelunking (1963)
Flat Stanley (1964) — art by Tomi Ungerer, written by Jeff Brown
One, Two, Where's My Shoe? (1964)
Beastly Boys and Ghastly Girls (1964) — art by Tomi Ungerer, poems collected by William Cole
Oh, What Nonsense! (1966) — art by Tomi Ungerer, edited by William Cole
Orlando, the Brave Vulture (1966)
Warwick's Three Bottles (1966) – with André Hodeir
Cleopatra Goes Sledding (1967) – with André Hodeir
What's Good for a 4-Year-Old? (1967) — art by Tomi Ungerer, text by William Cole
Moon Man (Der Mondmann) (Diogenes Verlag, 1966)
Zeralda's Ogre (1967)
Ask Me a Question (1968)
The Sorcerer's Apprentice (1969) — text by Barbara Hazen
Oh, How Silly! (1970) — art by Tomi Ungerer, edited by William Cole
The Hat (1970)
I Am Papa Snap and These Are My Favorite No Such Stories (1971)
The Beast of Monsieur Racine (1971)
The Hut (1972)
Oh, That's Ridiculous! (1972) — art by Tomi Ungerer, edited by William Cole
No Kiss for Mother (1973)
Allumette; A Fable, with Due Respect to Hans Christian Andersen, the Grimm Brothers, and the Honorable Ambrose Bierce (1974)
Tomi Ungerer's Heidi: The Classic Novel (1997) — art by Tomi Ungerer, text by Johanna Spyri
Flix (1998)
Tortoni Tremelo the Cursed Musician (1998)
Otto: The Autobiography of a Teddy Bear (1999)
Zloty (2009)
Fog Island (2013)
        Albert Einstein說:“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.”George Bernard Shaw說:“Make it a rule never to give a child a book you would not read yourself.”給孩子讀故事,給孩子讀自己讀過的故事,並且持之以恒,能這樣做的父母都是了不起的父母。快到聖誕了,這本書算是Gao Badminton Tao送給天下父母和孩子的禮物:The Three Robbers。

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