Leo Johnson interviewed the 71-year old photographer [Sebastião Salgado]about his life and work. In the Q&A that followed a young student, probably around 21 years old, asked what he would recommend a young photographer to start his career today. And Salgado answered:
“If you’re young and have the time, go and study. Study anthropology, sociology, economy, geopolitics. Study so that you’re actually able to understand what you’re photographing. What you can photograph and what you should photograph.”
糾結攝影方向的同學,都是在試圖回答“understand what you’re photographing. What you can photograph and what you should photograph.” 作為我自己來說,我很喜歡人文題材的攝影,但是What CAN I photograph? 作為業餘愛好者的我,能真像專業人士那樣長期拍一個有意義的人文關懷的主題嗎?我有這個決心去吃這個苦深入生活嗎?似乎不能(至少在沒有退休之前沒這個勇氣和勤奮)。我似乎還是拍糖水這一塊比較適合,在日常生活中捕捉令我心動的畫麵,盡量不重複千人拍萬人拍的構圖。