
average down for medium return, by skills/intuition

plan for Monday 6/13/2016

(2016-06-10 19:37:46) 下一個

market up or down either way not surprising.

sold some Macy to buy FSLR today, Monday I will buy back Macy hopefully on Macy's weakness.  If market down, macy will be easily down perform worse.

don't have oid, but looking for oppertunity to buy UCO hopefully on weakness, which is 50% chance. If oid is up a lot, then my FSLR should perform well and give me some profit to take.

firt time bought some DGAZ, looking for quick profit, will hold if down.

some stock to pay attention: BIDU, BABA, JASO, JPM will buy if down more than 1.5%, PHM, FB, GOOG will short if up more than 1%

shorted AAPL, ADP today. Not very sure, just for hedging.

My largest holding is TWTR, lost 20k maybe more on it. will reduce if close to 15.

lastly, a few words about my trading strategy, not favouring cutting loss, average down is theoreticaly correct, just need to be very careful.

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