
average down for medium return, by skills/intuition

7/7 stock trades

(2016-07-07 08:07:30) 下一個

emotion is bad for stock trading, but can't help it.

yesterday sold all FSLR, once again smart move. Today it move down dramatically even for such a good market, bought 2500 shares average 47.35.

sold all 1800 DAL, now seems the move for previous two days was what MM used to accumulate this stock. HMM, seems my selling is not very smart.

sold 4000 BAC 13.07 and bought 500 JPM 60.88.

bought 50 GOOG and sold short 200 AAPL.

sold 300 SSO.

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stockage0 回複 悄悄話 buying OIL!!!
sold all 4000 BAC, covered 300 ADP, 200 AAPL.
bought 300 JPM and 2500 UCO totaling 7500.
now thinking about 100k...
stockage0 回複 悄悄話 seem smart decision again for UCO, sold 4k yesterday after hours.
Now bought all of them back, after sold 50 GOOG, 700 MACY and 500 JPM and 3500 JASO.
Now I have 5k UCO.