
天朝玉介紹一首外國詩 (5)不要站在我的墳前哭泣 Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep - Mar

(2017-12-06 06:32:32) 下一個

天朝玉介紹一首外國詩 (5)不要站在我的墳前哭泣 Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep - Mary Elizabeth Frye


Original in English — 


Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep 

      By Mary Elizabeth Frye


Do not stand at my grave and weep 

I am not there. I do not sleep. 

I am a thousand winds that blow. 

I am the diamond glints on snow. 

I am the sunlight on ripened grain. 

I am the gentle autumn rain. 

When you awaken in the morning's hush 

I am the swift uplifting rush 

Of quiet birds in circled flight. 

I am the soft stars that shine at night. 

Do not stand at my grave and cry; 

I am not there. I did not die. 



Chinese Translation —



       瑪麗 伊麗莎白 芙萊 
















(慢兔 譯)



 French Translation — 



Ne vous tenez pas devant ma tombe en pleurant


Ne vous tenez pas devant ma tombe en pleurant.

Je n'y suis pas, je ne dors pas.

Je souffle dans le ciel tel un millier de vents,

Je suis l'éclat du diamant sur la neige,

Je suis la douce pluie d'automne,

Je suis les champs de blé.


Je suis le silence du matin,

Je suis dans la course gracieuse

Des magnifiques oiseaux qui volent,

Je suis l'éclat des étoiles dans la nuit.

Ne vous tenez pas devant ma tombe en pleurant,

Je n'y suis pas. Je vis encore.



 Spanish Translation  — 


No te quedes en mi tumba a llorar


No te quedes en mi tumba a llorar,

Yo no estoy ahí, yo no duermo.

Yo soy un millar de vientos que soplan,

Yo soy los reflejos de diamante en la nieve,

Yo soy el sol sobre el grano maduro,

Yo soy la suave lluvia de otoño.


Cuando despiertes en el silencio de la mañana

Yo soy la rápida elevación

De pájaros silenciosos en vuelo circular.

Yo soy la suave luz de las estrellas por la noche.

No te quedes en mi tumba a llorar.

No estoy allí, no me morí.





Mary Elizabeth Frye (November 1905 – September 2004) was an American housewife and florist. She wrote this poem in 1932 and was considered the only poem she wrote.

The poem was originally composed on a brown paper shopping bag, and was reportedly inspired by the story of a young Jewish girl, Margaret Schwarzkopf, who had been staying with the Frye household and had been unable to visit her dying mother in Germany because of anti-Semitic unrest.

This poem was well circulated and often used in funeral ceremonies. The identity of the author of the poem was unknown until the late 1990s, when Frye revealed that she had written it. 



轉一個炯寫的悼文,“生命的本質,不過是一聲長歎。歎完,也就去了” 。

2017年12月6日早晨醒來,驚聞詩社成員左秦昨晚碳中毒身亡。我和他今年春天在詩藝群相遇,他很少參與聊天,卻經常把群裏的人嬉笑怒罵寫進詩裏,讀他的詩經常使我笑滾在地。加了私聊後也隻聊過幾句,後來我組一小班,拉了他一起改詩。五月組X詩社,他是首批社員。他的詩與我們群裏的所有人都不同,口語,好像隨手拈來,卻深具洞察力。我寫完“借光,現在幾點後?” 他給我寫了首詩,發在他的公共平台上,笑話了我一通,他還寫詩評,洋洋灑灑。我曾經開玩笑說,等我以後出名了,你幫我寫。他一口答應。他沒有提到個人生活,我也沒問過,隻知道他在某大學讀書,愛詩如命。七月時他在朋友圈裏捐錢支持一個寫詩的殘廢女孩,後來有人說那是個女騙子,他助紂為虐,他退出所有的群。我勸他江湖是非多,不如一笑了之,他說他很懦弱,怕人說。我並不知道他有精神分裂史,還道是能寫詼諧幽默文字的,應有堅強之心。八月,他很少來詩社聊天貼詩,我問他怎麽了,他說他寫瘋了。我讓他少寫,文字再美,豈能等同於生命?他同意,卻還是向命討詩。生命的本質,不過是一聲長歎。歎完,也就去了。左秦,一個和我兒子差不多大的寫詩的孩子。他寫道,
(炯 2017-12-6)

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