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落城一哥 (熱門博主)
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(2016-09-11 00:14:49) 下一個

對於高中學生來説,如果不牽涉到法律,放手並相信他們能夠處理好在學校碰到的棘手事情是值得的。女兒是一個Club 的隊長,有一年在招收新隊員時Rejected 了一個女孩,那個女孩很想進入這個Club,覺得Rejected 她是不公平的。這個女孩不僅自己向Club的隊長們申訴,而且她媽媽還反應到校長那裏去了。當時事情整的挺大的。事後,女兒才把事情的來龍去脈給我們講過,之前我們根本不知道。後來,女兒把這次事件的與她直接有關的主要內容寫成了她Common Apps 的那個Major Essay。下文僅供參考。

As a co-captain of the XX team, my communication skills have earned a fair share of horrifying and rewarding experiences these past two years. However, none came close to the chaos caused in junior year by a slip of the tongue, and more than ever, I have appreciated the power of words.

It was my second time heading tryouts, a two-step process involving tests and an interview. Selecting those to interview was simple - numbers spoke for themselves. -------- During interviews, the other two captains and I considered how applicants reacted to pressure and worked with others, but we also acknowledged the personal attributes a person can bring to the team. ------------That afternoon, interviews proceeded smoothly, and soon we made our decisions.

The cold air bit my face in warning as I left K Hall. In the distance, I saw a girl talking to XX, a fellow co-captain; --------------------At that moment, I realized the situation was too much for XX to handle alone so I added in my two cents. ------------------------- The wordpersonality echoed ominously in my head and I watched in horror as

the tenth grader's face tensed in disbelief.------------------. The bell rang, and her eyes showed disappointment and anger as she flatly said we didn't need to explain anything anymore. She left and I felt an uncomfortable heaviness in my heart.

For days, her words plagued my thoughts, and I pondered over ways to apologize. My interpretation of personality meant how a person fit into a community; it was not a personal attack. ------------------------------- What if I had been her? How would I have acted? Stepping back, I realized she just needed someone to listen to her frustrations.

When weekend came, I sat down and typed up a long email. ---------- Three hours passed, and she replied. My words had opened her up and she had cooled down. On September xxth, I gained a new friend.

I never did tell the other captains what I did that day. --------------------------- Captaining a team of thirty members has consistently tested my strength of character, but this girl taught me to accept my mistakes and move on in the best possible way.


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