烹飪課後的練習(week of 11/14/2016)
Apple Pineapple and Cranberry bake:
1/2 cup dark rum(也可以用apple juice代替,我這次用的就是apple juice)
1/4 cup chopped PC Dried Pineapple
1/4 cup chopped Cranberries Sweetened Dried Fruit
Pinch each salt and ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp finely grated lemon rind
1/2 cup Quick Oats
1/3 cup chopped toasted unsalted natural walnuts
2 tbsp unsalted cold butter
2 tbsp packed brown sugar
Pinch each salt and ground cinnamon
2 Golden Delicious apples, cored and diced (skin on)
1 Royal Gala apple, cored and diced (skin on)
1/2 cup honey stirred 0% M.F. Greek Yogurt(我沒有在酸奶裏加honey,因為感覺從pairing中來的甜度已經夠了)
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 35 minutes
Stand time: 20 minutes
1. 烤箱預熱至400℉。2L的烤盤上油。
2. 將apple juice,pineapple,cranberries,salt and cinnamon放入小鍋,先中火,再轉小火燉。關火,加入lemon rind,攪拌,將混合物靜置20分鍾。
3. 將oats,walnuts,butter,brown sugar,salt和cinnamon放入小的容器中混合。
4. 將2和apples在大的容器中混合後,轉入烤盤,再在上麵撒上3。
5. 放置烤箱中烘烤30至35分鍾,或直至apples變得tender。
6. 用勺盛入碗中,並在上麵加上幾勺yogurt。Aha,I made it!

我找到了昨天烤cranberry muffin時為什麽會把時間設置錯的原因了。昨天我先烤了這個甜點,這個甜點的cook time我用的是35分鍾,之後我又烤了muffin,先入為主吧,把muffin的cook time也繼續設置成了35分鍾。以後還是要double check,不然就又會叫可惜了。