2015 (4)
2016 (145)
2017 (132)
西門慶從胡僧得春藥,與韓夥計老婆王六兒應驗, 偉力凶猛,回家與瓶兒再驗, 雄威不減。丈夫西門慶得催命方之時, 正妻月娘獲催生方之日。
西門慶的跑腿玳安,受染主人, 蜂蝶兼戲, 忙裏偷閑蕩蝴蝶巷。
After getting a magic potion from the monk, Ximen tries it with Han’s wife and it works unbelievably! Then he comes back home and continues to play with Ping, the momentum keeps going.
While Ximen obtains the magic potion for manhood, his 1st wife gets the magic potion for having a child.
Ximen’s guard Dai-an, influenced by his master, likes to fool around with men and women and visits the whorehouse whenever he gets chance.