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速描《金瓶梅》第18 回/100

(2016-11-03 09:02:09) 下一個

西門慶親戚入獄,他速派人進京, 銀子打點開路,見龍臣高管。 驚知自己也被列入“依勢害人”名單之內,捉拿即除, 即獻500兩巨銀,使“西門慶”名被改為“賈慶”(當時豎版西門可改成“賈”), 方死裏逃生。從此,西門大開, 花園複工,讓女婿陳經濟管建花園,不料給老婆金蓮與女婿“牽媒”。



Ximen sent people to the city to help his jailed relative.  Bribing all the way through, he gets to see the persons in charge, unexpected, Ximen’s name is also in the black list to be arrested and executed.  Ximen’s guys immediately give the officials 500 “cash”, Ximen’s name is changed to another person.  Ximen escapes from the death penalty. Now, Ximen opens his door, resumes the garden project, Chen Jingji, his son-in-law is responsible for. Ximen is not aware that he is a matchmaker for his wife and his son-in-law. 

Ximen also learns that Ping is married and opens a drug store, Ximen’s bitter for losing a wife, while gaining a competitor.


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