2015 (4)
2016 (145)
2017 (132)
瓶兒公公做過太監,皇家時的積蓄暗流瓶兒,死後, 3表侄扣押她丈夫花子虛,打官司分家產。瓶兒金銀財寶轉運入西門慶家,西門慶賄賂法庭不查細軟。 花子虛欲賣房還債,無人敢與西門慶為鄰。 瓶兒要西門慶用她挪去的大洋買房易主。背夫女!西門慶坐收漁和利,瓶兒丈夫土豪變赤貧。夫氣喪身,瓶兒服孝未滿,心猿西門,借金蓮生日,珠墜綾裙造訪西門慶,寶石銀釵施舍妻仆。
Ping’s father-in-law used to be the royal-castrated-official, he secretly gave Ping his life savings. After he dies, his nephews fight for inheritance, and take Ping’s husband to court. Ping moves the treasures to Ximen’s house. When her husband has to sell their house to pay debts, she uses their money, which is already in Ximen’s pocket, to buy her husband’s house under Ximen’s name. Ximen profits from the family split. Ping’s husband goes from rich to rag and dies of angry. Before her husband’s funeral ritual is over, Ping visits Ximen flashy and dangling, in the name of Jin’s birthday party, giving jewels to Ximen’s wives and maids.