(1)飲食營養方麵應給予高營養,易消化和富含維生素的飲食:適當補充維生素C,維生素B 族。也可以適當飲用咖啡,可可和濃茶,膳食口味重一些,鹹一些。有利於提升血壓和改善臨床症狀。
Usually the high heart rates cause the low blood pressure, low heart rates cause the high blood pressure. Whatever, you just drink more water, your heart rates will be lower and your blood pressure will be higher. To eat more salt will make you thirsty, that way you need drink more water. But that is not the proper solution, since the high sodium would hurt your kidneys.
我的血壓很久也一直是90/60. 每年都查TSH,排除甲低, 可是一切正常呀。 有一次在醫生office量血壓, 居然是70/50, 可我沒有任何感覺。 醫生馬上來看我。 看完又重量,血壓高了一點才能走。 不過隨著年齡增長,血壓應該會慢慢增高一些,或者變動更多一些的(活動時高, 坐下休息低)。