Cindy Kimberly,ins上坐擁百萬粉絲的網紅超模,西班牙和菲律賓混血,一眼就驚豔到了賈斯汀•比伯。Cindy是真正擁有芭比娃娃般精致的容貌,睫毛卷翹,大眼靈動,鼻梁高挺小巧,配上豐滿的嘟嘟唇又格外性感。
賈斯汀•比伯 生命時空初值=61158.89608(感性A)
辛蒂•金佰利 生命時空初值=72061.28464(理性A)
The initial value of Justin Bieber's life time and space = 61158.89608 (sensibility A)
The initial value of Cindy Kimberly's life time and space= 72061.28464 (Ration A)
Heart-to-heart index = 99.3884389% classic
Heart-to-heart index = 50.4283061% quantum
Sensual A vs. Reason A, the best soul companion!!!!!
The time and space match is perfect, it's so amazing!!!!!
新浪娛樂訊 據台灣媒體報道,加拿大歌手比伯8日在網上秀出1位美貌女子的自拍照,發動粉絲肉搜,但他瘋狂示好,卻挨批如同發情的公狗,肉搜事件延燒至今,該女子的個人身家也不斷被曝光,昨外媒甚至挖出她的不良紀錄。
據調查表示,這名棕色皮膚的美女名為辛蒂金伯莉(Cindy Kimberly),現年17歲是西班牙人,兼職做保姆,開價每小時3英鎊(約29.4元人民幣)。她在網絡表示自己還是學生,雖然母語是西班牙語,但可以與他人順暢的以英語交流,她自信表示可以同時照顧2個孩子,並強調自己不抽煙。盡管如此,她不良紀錄的案底,仍被媒體挖出。
Justin Bieber has taken to social media to ask his fans to help him discover the identity of a mystery Instagram model he's taken a shine to.
The singer uploaded an image of the unknown brunette beauty, who bears an uncanny resemblance to Australian Victoria's Secret model, Shanina Shaik, asking fans to help track her down.
He captioned the image: 'OMG who is this!'
Of course, many fans claimed to be the young lady but so far it doesn't appear that he true identity has been revealed.
Cindy Kimberly,ins上坐擁百萬粉絲的網紅超模,西班牙和菲律賓混血,一眼就驚豔到了賈斯汀•比伯。Cindy是真正擁有芭比娃娃般精致的容貌,睫毛卷翹,大眼靈動,鼻梁高挺小巧,配上豐滿的嘟嘟唇又格外性感。