2015 (1)
2017 (409)
2018 (167)
2019 (306)
2020 (275)
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2024 (446)
The Oldest married couple, aggregate age ever are Norwegians Karl Dolven (31 August 1897-31 July 2004) and Gurdren Dolven (14 October 1900-24 April 2004) who had a combined age of 210 years 1 month 34 days when Gudrun passed away.
Norwegians Karl Dolven 生命時空初值=60882.08695(感性A)
Gurdren Dolven 生命時空初值=63324.94999(感性C)
心心相印指數=81.7163921% 經典
心心相印指數=79.2521755% 量子
Click on the photo for more details, if you can read Norwegian.
June 15, 2009; Mr. Jan Erik Aas of Norway has sent us the case of Gudrun Dolven [October 14, 1900 - April 24, 2004] and Karl Dolven [August 31, 1897 - July 31, 2004] and, who at 103 years and 106 years old, respectively, were marked, in April 2004, as the world's oldest verified living couple. This case has since been accepted by Guinness World Records.