
棋爸棋媽群 - 家長田野的周年感悟

(2015-10-16 09:07:16) 下一個

Eddy's chess journey through wins and loses this year was very enlightening. 四十不惑,我想如果沒有兒子 在象棋的大起大落,我也許永遠也達不到不惑。Eddy started his chess journey last year by picking up a library book, thanks to his mom, who started to take our kids to the library since they were very little. After a summer's study, as a kindergartener, Eddy managed to beat all the kindergarten and 1st grade opponents in the Central New Jersey tournament, winning his first 1st place trophy.

After that, as a proud dad, I was unable to curb my the thought that my son was a genius. Although now that I think about it, it was a very dangerous path to go to.

So I gathered all the resources I can find to help Eddy to get to the next level. He surpassed all the kids in his school, including those two grades higher than him. all those kids were scare of playing Eddy because he was a very formidable player on the board.

After another 6 months of study, Eddy got 3rd place in Philly's Liberty Bell tournament, winning $167 prize money. It was a very tough game with top players, including adults, from the east coast. The top 2 players were all adults.

Then Eddy climbed to another peak by beating all his opponents in a Westfield tournament. His USCF rating became 1337, ranked top 30 among the 7 years old in the country.

My pride reached the peak. It was not a good thing. I was totally blinded by all the trophies and achievements. I wasn't ready for the downhill to come.

The following tournaments were mostly disasters. In a few of them, Eddy didn't win a single game. This reminded me of Hemmingway's Old Man and the Sea. It was like being cursed.

To be honest, I had downs and ups in my life, but I have never felt so emotional on winning or losing. This went on and on for a few months. That was really the darkest moments of my life.

Eddy even lost to a weak Indian opponent who has always been scared of playing Eddy. But gradually, all the things I read from 老莊 和金剛經 suddenly made total sense. 我一直看不懂的寓言也 made total sense 了, 終於不惑了,人生完整了。

What's more important? winning or being happy? Even if Eddy managed to become a world champion so what? He still needs to worried about defending it. 在低處的想拚命向上爬, 在高處的怕被推下去。然則何時而樂耶? 在林立的榮譽裏能保持清醒,重要的是珍惜現在,每個瞬間 都會變成是美好的記憶。其實孩子在這個年齡重要的是教育他們在成功時不忘與他人分享。我叫 eddy 把贏的錢捐 10%給學校;更重要的是學會如何麵對失敗,笑麵人生,寵辱不驚。學習象棋應該和庖丁 解牛一樣吧,學的是道,而不是有所求。 回想我的四十不惑之年,最燦爛的不是 eddy 在獎杯前的笑 容,而是他在超市秤菜天真的樣子,是兒女們萬聖節在家門口的 pose, 是一家人無數美好的瞬間,這 些是永恒的。 I have no doubt eddy and Emma will do great in the future, surpassing their parents, no matter what they do.



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