I saw Sean fighting also but a fighter about to shoot him. I felt despair, all of my friends, or at least most of them had died, but that wasn’t going to happen. I sprint and pushed Sean onto the ground as I started to drag him. A round caught Sean in the leg and, Sean’s face started to turn pale. I stood up and started to pull him into the small ditch but as he went in I stood up again and was hit by several bullets and I screamed in pain. I saw the puddle of blood on my chest and here I write my last entry as D-Day is completed and I lay dying by the ditch by a wounded Sean.
June 6, 1944 Kevin Captain of Easy Company
[底下這段是後人對 Captain 的緬懷:]
I saw our captain, looking at the puddle of blood over his chest and he looked at me and smiled. For once in years I smiled back at the captain. We had never been friends ever since the drafting. We all owe him our lives for his saving us, even though he put a number of us at risk. As friends we sign this, just as our captain falls into the dark shadow to join God up in the heavens.
Sean Thomas
Rick Randy
And every soldier in Easy Company 506 THE END
安徒生,我也喜歡,他寫的雖然是童話, 總覺那故事很真實. 也許, 在他心中,那些童話世界就是真的, 而他麵對的貧困生活並不那麽真.
趕到這裏, 祝兩位下周一切順利,快樂!
保重! 讀了你這篇, 真的覺得我們挺象的. 我也好喜歡海的女兒. THERE IS ALWAYS A REASON, 所以, 我也不抱怨那王子......這個話匣不能開.... :(
下周愉快:) 平安!
想起了我看過的小人書: 東海人魚
也想起了我兒子的作文, 我在茶壇貼過http://web.wenxuecity.com/BBSView.php?SubID=teatime&MsgID=96731:
我兒子在某forum 貼過個想當然戰爭故事,我隻把結尾部分貼上.
故事中的Captain 就是他自己:) (他一年前寫的,他還是地道的小孩子,但是舍生忘死的豪氣頗有)
I saw Sean fighting also but a fighter about to shoot him. I felt despair, all of my friends, or at least most of them had died, but that wasn’t going to happen. I sprint and pushed Sean onto the ground as I started to drag him. A round caught Sean in the leg and, Sean’s face started to turn pale. I stood up and started to pull him into the small ditch but as he went in I stood up again and was hit by several bullets and I screamed in pain. I saw the puddle of blood on my chest and here I write my last entry as D-Day is completed and I lay dying by the ditch by a wounded Sean.
June 6, 1944 Kevin Captain of Easy Company
[底下這段是後人對 Captain 的緬懷:]
I saw our captain, looking at the puddle of blood over his chest and he looked at me and smiled. For once in years I smiled back at the captain. We had never been friends ever since the drafting. We all owe him our lives for his saving us, even though he put a number of us at risk. As friends we sign this, just as our captain falls into the dark shadow to join God up in the heavens.
Sean Thomas
Rick Randy
And every soldier in Easy Company 506 THE END
問候STILLTHERE 和風穀. 周末好!
STILLTHERE, 朋友, 在這裏見到你很高興. 你們認識了, 嘿, 別說俺心裏還幾分酸的呢 ; )別忘了老朋友我哦.
不知道為什麽,我小時候不太喜歡童話, 看了都沒什麽感覺,隻記得對豌豆公主好奇,好幾床被子還能硌得慌,真是神奇。=)不過自己常做白日夢倒是真的。
三四年級迷上了武俠(有一陣這叫邪書,可就是帶勁兒), 這就成了我的童話了。 嗬嗬。