卡爾•伊坎在 DealBook Conference 2015 的訪談:要是你做得來,這是一個很好的行業。從風險和收益的角度考慮,對你很有利。要是你管理對衝基金,好處就更大了。你根本不承擔風險,除非你自己也投錢。但是如果你真想賺大錢,就要去冒險,資本主義就是這樣。別光靠給別人管錢來賺錢。說實話,你說有哪個人真能知道哪隻股票會漲、哪隻會跌。這樣的人,我根本沒見過。
Warren Buffett — 'Forecasts may tell you a great deal about the forecaster; they tell you nothing about the future.'
Once, at a lecture, he (Benjamin Graham )was asked if Wall Street professionals were better at forecasting what would happen to market, and if not, then why, and here's what he said:
"Well, we’ve been following that same question for a generation or more, and I must say frankly that our studies indicate that you have your choice between tossing coins and taking the consensus of expert opinion and the result is just about the same in each case.
Everybody in Wall St. is so smart that their brilliance offsets each other. And that whatever they know is already reflected in the level of stock prices for the much, and consequently what happens in the future represents what they don’t know." - Benjamin Graham
“If you look at the typical stock on the New York Stock Exchange, its high will be, perhaps, for the last 12 months will be 150 percent of its low so they’re bobbing all over the place. All you have to do is sit there and wait until something is really attractive that you understand.”
“There’s almost nothing where the game is stacked more in your favor like the stock market”
“What happens is people start listening to everybody talk on television or whatever it may be or read the paper, and they take what is a fundamental advantage and turn it into a disadvantage. There’s no easier game than stocks. You have to be sure you don’t play it too often”
They bet big when they have the odds. And the rest of the time, they don't. It's just that simple. - 芒格
如果說20,30,50年投資TD成為百萬富翁太過遙遠,是運氣 ,那麽在一年前認真執行老巴和芒格的投資策略成為百萬富翁,也太過遙遠嗎?是運氣嗎?
TD是一隻不錯的藍籌股,但是在數量眾多的藍籌股中它也隻是一隻略高於平均水平的股票 ,並沒有太多的特別之處。如果針對TD這樣一隻比較常見的藍籌股,正確使用投資大師們所推薦的基於價值投資常試的投資策略就可以在一個合理的投資周期內五到十年(也有可能是在極短的投資周期內,比如一年或一個月)實現自己財務自由的目標,那麽一個普通投資者認真學習價值投資理論的實際意義就非常大了。
我在以前的帖子中,也多次討論過美國的著名長期藍籌股 UTX, PH,我曾經多次轉貼過由大千的一位網友寫的關於PH的投資分析。在2016年TD出現投資大機會的同時,UTX, PH也同樣出現了同等級別的投資機會。用在TD上的投資邏輯,也可以同樣使用在UTX, PH上,可以取得相同甚至更好的投資回報。
“投資要想成功需要承認兩個前提:第一,我們都是凡人,我們必將不斷犯錯;第二,投資的核心原理早已穩定,我們要做的不是創新,而是理解並執行。投資要想慘敗可以建立在另外兩個前提上:第一,我天賦異稟,我能做到別人做不到的;第二,我擁有或者發現了最新的炒股奧義,我在投資理論上已經幫人類跨出了新的一步。” - 水晶蒼蠅拍
為什麽在TD上成功的投資策略,也可以重複使用在UTX, PH上?是因為小書生的運氣好?