
對長期投資的一些思考 - 二

(2017-01-10 12:04:50) 下一個

在下麵的回帖中,有一位網友提到自己的一位同事在20年時間內,在自己的養老金帳戶裏買入12支股票,隻買入,不賣出,目前資產市值3M。我剛開始學習投資的時候,經常閱讀一位筆名BuyandHold2012(Seekingalpha網站)的帖子。他和他的母親也都是使用這樣一中投資方法,她的母親是一位中學教師,45歲離異後,當時大概有5萬本金,目前是1千萬以上,BuyandHold2012 本人受母親教誨,從14歲開始參與投資,他大致投入過10萬本金,目前也是1千萬以上,他最大最好的投資是XOM。BuyandHold2012曾經向她母親推薦過老巴的股票(當時價格是100元以下),因為沒有分紅,被老太拒絕了。他的叔叔曾經聽了他的推薦,在一家醫藥服務公司(類似於CVS Health Corp, 我記不得名字了。)投資了1萬元,二十多年後獲利2百多萬,不過他自己沒有投資。

Buy and Hold, Never Sell.這種投資策略是不常見的,我覺得一般隻有在自己最親密的至親好友的貼身教誨下,才有可能,因為如果沒有親眼所見這種投資策略的效果,你是不太可能去接受和嚐試的。BuyandHold2012 的母親好像是從他姑姑那裏學到的。




Once, at a lecture, he was asked if Wall Street professionals were better at forecasting what would happen to market, and if not, then why, and here's what he said:

"Well, we’ve been following that same question for a generation or more, and I must say frankly that our studies indicate that you have your choice between tossing coins and taking the consensus of expert opinion and the result is just about the same in each case.

Everybody in Wall St. is so smart that their brilliance offsets each other. And that whatever they know is already reflected in the level of stock prices for the much, and consequently what happens in the future represents what they don’t know." - Benjamin Graham



Yet compared to that of the average real-estate investor over the same period, Trump's performance is even worse, according to John Griffin, a businessman and a real-estate investor who is also a professor at the University of Texas at Austin.

Griffin used an index of funds known as real-estate investment trusts, or REITs. The managers of these funds rely on their expertise in real estate to earn money for their clients by buying and selling interests in commercial property.

This index has earned 14.4 percent a year since 1976. Had Trump done as well as the average among others in the industry, making investments that returned 14.4 percent over the long term, he would have turned the $200 million he said he had in 1976 into $23 billion as of last year, Griffin calculated.

1976年美國家庭收入中位數 11379, 2015年是53657,一般一個人的工作年限為40年。

11379 投入REIT Index, 目前市值131萬,可以每年有6萬以上紅利收入,市值相當於25年2015收入。

美國Wells Fargo 銀行。








For the TSX, I also looked at how much of the time the return for the various periods TSX return was less than an average of 6% per year. For the 5 year periods, the 5 year average return was less than 6% for 16 periods or 33% of the time. Looking at the 10 year periods, the 10 year average return was less than 6% for 10 periods or 23% of the time. Looking at 15 year periods, the 15 year average return was less than 6% for 2 periods or 5% of the time. Looking at 20 year periods, the 20 year average return was less than 6% for 3 periods or 9% of the time. There were no other periods when the TSX return average per year less than 6%.

I also looked at the TSX index like Spencer Sherman for periods where the index return over the period was negative. For the 5 year periods, I found 3 times when the index declined over the 5 year period. The total 5 year return from 1969 to 1974 was -17.2%. The total 5 year return from 1972 to 1977 was -13.6%. The total 5 year return from 1997 to 2002 was -1.3%. There was only one 10 year period loss and that was from 1964 to 1974 and the loss was -1.1%.

The other thing we should consider is that dividends make up 30% of the TSX's total return on average. That means that the TSX total return is really 30% higher than shown by the index. So, if you invest in dividend paying stock, you can make very decent return over the long term. We need to keep this in mind when the stock market plunges as it has been doing of late.





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