
cxyz (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:

裏爾克詩譯: 西班牙舞者 - The Spanish Dancer

(2022-03-19 05:44:00) 下一個






她被觀眾環繞著 快速 熱烈 舞步開始

在黑暗裏閃耀 延伸


刹那間 火光完全綻放


一個向上的眼神 便點燃了頭發

旋轉 轉得快一些 再快一些

她的裙裾翻飛舞動 旋入熱情的火焰之中

爐火熊熊 如響尾蛇解盤悸動 修長赤裸的雙臂

被喚醒 扭曲攀升 哢哢作響



她把它抽了出來 甩出去 

傲慢地 以咄咄逼人的姿態

冷眼旁觀 躺在地上的怒氣衝衝 

熾熱依舊 拒絕著死亡


抬臉啟顎 用堅實有力的小腳 把它踏死踩滅


The Spanish Dancer

As on all its sides a kitchen-match darts white 
flickering tongues before it bursts into flame: 
with the audience around her, quickened, hot, 
her dance begins to flicker in the dark room. 

And all at once it is completely fire. 

One upward glance and she ignites her hair 
and, whirling faster and faster, fans her dress 
into passionate flames, till it becomes a furnace 
from which, like startled rattlesnakes, the long 
naked arms uncoil, aroused and clicking. 

And then: as if the fire were too tight 
around her body, she takes and flings it out 
haughtily, with an imperious gesture, 
and watches: it lies raging on the floor, 
still blazing up, and the flames refuse to die - 
Till, moving with total confidence and a sweet 
exultant smile, she looks up finally 
and stamps it out with powerful small feet.

(Translated by Stephen Mitchell)


The Spanish Dancer


As in the hand a sulfur match, white,

before it comes ablaze, on all sides

stretches out flickering tongues, so, in the circle

of nearby watchers, hasty, bright, and hot,

her round dance starts to flicker and spread out.


And suddenly it is utterly and completely in flames.


With one glance she ignites her hair

and all at once with daring art whirls

her whole dress into this conflagration,

from which, like frightened snakes,

her naked arms stretch, roused up and rattling.


And then, as if the fire were becoming low,

she draws all of it together and throws it away

very imperiously, with a haughty gesture,

and looks at it: it lies there on the ground, raging,

and flames still, and does not surrender—.

But triumphant, self-assured, and with a sweet,

welcoming smile, she lifts up her face

and stamps it out with firm little feet.

(Translated by Susan McLean)

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閱讀 ()評論 (8)
cxyz 回複 悄悄話 回複 '林向田' 的評論 : 非常有活力的舞蹈。問林向田好,周末愉快!
林向田 回複 悄悄話 Wonderful, you know you're alive when you see performances like these.
cxyz 回複 悄悄話 回複 '琥珀之淚' 的評論 : 謝謝琥珀到訪。
確實,西班牙音樂節奏奔放熱情, 弗拉明戈將這種火焰一樣的熱情更推進了一步,就像你說的熱血沸騰。去西班牙有機會一定看上一場。
琥珀之淚 回複 悄悄話 小西:幾年前在日本看過一場西班牙大使館主辦的一場西班牙國家舞蹈團的演出非常震撼,恨不得站起來跟著一起跳上幾步。看著詩句聽著火辣的音樂,很有熱血上湧的感覺,哈……

cxyz 回複 悄悄話 回複 '菲兒天地' 的評論 : 原來你女兒也跳弗拉明戈,太帥氣了,一甩頭 一提眼 帥呆了。
謝謝菲兒。舒嘯也不回城,就剩我自己在這兒練攤兒了 :)
菲兒天地 回複 悄悄話 我家女兒也跳,特別是頭一扭那個勁頭,特別的帥:)

小C 好譯!
cxyz 回複 悄悄話 回複 '山花浪漫' 的評論 : 為了翻譯這首詩我看了不少弗拉明戈的視頻,這個舞蹈形式太獨特了,看得人熱血沸騰。熱情奔放的舞蹈,沙啞高亢的歌聲,特立獨行的響板,響尾蛇一樣的急促的踢踏聲…弗拉明戈是一種吉普賽舞嗎?
山花浪漫 回複 悄悄話 我去flamenco 舞的發源地seville 去看這個舞的現場表演,激情四射,熱情奔放,音樂,歌聲,舞蹈,翻動的舞裙,響板,太令人難忘了。正如詩中所述。謝謝分享!