
雪中梅 (熱門博主)
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  The Solar System

  We live in a solar system--a place where planets move in invisible paths, called orbits, around a star in the middle.

  Our star is the Sun. It is the biggest and strongest object in our solar system . Its giant size gives it more gravity, or pull, than anything else.

  Gravity keeps evething around the Sun from floating away. This powerful force holds planets, moons, asteroids, comets, meteors, and more in place. Each has its own special orbit around the Sun.


  The Sun is the only star in our solar system. It is a giant ball of hot, glowing gas. Its huge size makes it so powerful that the Sun holds our solar system together.

  The Sun is so bright and hot that it also makes all the light and heat for all the planets in our solar system.


  Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun.

  It orbits the Sun in only 88 days. That is faster than any other planet.

  Mercury is hard to see because it is so far away.

  The best times to look for Mercury are before the sun rises or sets.

  As a rocky inner planet, Mercury has a solid surface. 

  During the day , it gets super hot. At night, it gets super cold. Mercury is too hot and too cold for us.


  Venus is the second planet from the Sun. Venus spins slowly backwards compared to the other planets. This means that the sun rises in the west and sets in the east.

  It is the hottest planet in our solar system. A layer of thick clouds covers Venus like a blanket, trapping super high heat.

  Sunlight bounces off Venus' clouds. This makes it the brightest planet in our solar system.


  Earth is the third planet from the Sun. It is the largest of all the rocky, or terrestrial, planets.

  Earth is also the fifth biggest planet in the solar system.

  Most of Earth is covered with water. There is so much water, Earth looks like a blue marble in outer space.

  Many planets have atmospheres, but only Earth's is safe to breathe.

  Moon--A satellite of the earth

  The moon is smaller than Earth, which gives it less gravity. Gravity holds things down, which gives them weight. This means everything weighs less on the moon. One hundred pounds (45.4kg) on Earth is abount the same as 16 pounds (7.3kg) on the moon.

  There is no air or water on the moon, so there is no weather like rain or snow or wind.


  Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun. It is a rocky planet like Earth, but much colder because of its thinner atmosphere.

  Mars is nicknamed "The Red Planet" because it is covered in red dust. There is a metal called iron in rocks on Mars. When the iron rusts, it turns red and dusty.

  ( Scientists think Mars is more like Earth than any other planet in our solar system. They believe Mars used to have rivers, and perhaps an ocean, a very long time ago. )


  Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun. It is the biggest planet in the solar system.

  Jupiter's surface is an ocean of many different gases and water.


  Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun. It is the second largest planet in our solar system.

  Saturn is best known for its big , bright rings. These rings are made from billions of pieces of ice, dust, and rock that orbit Saturn. Some pieces are as tiny as a speck of dust. A few pieces are as big as mountains. 


  Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun. It looks blue and green from methane gas covering its surface. It is the coldest of all eight planets in our solar system.

  Like Saturn, Uranus has rings. But these rings are not as easy to see because they are much thinner. They are made from billions of pieces of dust.


  Neptune is the eighth planet from the Sun. It has wild and windy weather .

  Neptune is a very dark and very , very cold planet.

  Neptune is bright blue because of methane gas in its atmosphere.


  1. 水星--Mercury.


  2。 金星--Venus.

   金星(希臘語:阿佛洛狄忒;巴比倫語:Ishtar) 是愛和美的女神,之所以會如此命名,也許是對古代人來說,它是已知行星中最亮的一顆。

  3. 地球--Earth

  名稱來源:地球是唯一一個不是從希臘或羅馬神話中得到的名字。Earth一詞來自於古英語及日耳曼語。在羅馬神話中,地球女神叫Tellus--肥沃的土地(希臘語:Gaia, 大地母親)




  名稱來源:木星(a.k.a. Jove; 希臘人稱之為宙斯)是上帝之王,奧林匹斯山的統治者和羅馬國的保護人,它是Cronus (土星)的兒子。


  名稱來源:在羅馬神話中,土星(Saturn)“薩圖爾努斯”是農神的名稱。希臘神話中的農神Cronus和Uranus(天王星) 和蓋亞的兒子,也是宙斯(木星)的父親。土星也是英語中“星期六”(Saturday)的詞根。






  ( 40年前,在學地理的時候,書中學到介紹太陽係中的九大行星是:水星(Mercury), 金星(Venus), 地球 ( Earth), 火星 ( Mars ), 木星 ( Jupiter ), 土星 ( Saturn ) , 天王星 ( Uranus )  , 海王星 ( Neptune ), 冥王星 ( Pluto ). 後來在一元店買了一本科普書,上麵介紹的太陽係是八大行星。為什麽呢?於是就去網上查了一下。原來冥王星於2006年時在布拉格舉行的第26屆國際天文學聯會通過決議,冥王星被移出九大行星行列,降級成為矮行星。因為冥王星的質量和體積都在不斷的“縮水”,即越變越小。還有冥王星做不到清除軌道附近的其他物體。所以冥王星就被排出了太陽係。自此太陽係隻剩八大行星。覺得小科普知識介紹得很好,所以就轉摘了下來。)


  ---知識介紹來自科普書《The Solar System》. 而名稱的來源介紹來自網絡。

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雪中梅 回複 悄悄話 Solar System:(太陽係):The collection of eight planets and their moons in orbit around the sun, together with smaller bodies in the form of asteroid,meteoroids, and comets. The planets of the solar system are (in order of distance from the sun) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.(八顆行星及其繞太陽運行的衛星的集合,以及小行星,流星體和慧星形式的較小物體。太陽係的行星是(按距離太陽的順序)水星,金星,地球,火星,木星,土星,天王星和海王星。
雪中梅 回複 悄悄話 回複 'LinMu' 的評論 : 歡迎光臨和留言,平安是福。
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