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1976年洛杉磯醫生短期大罷工期間,全市死亡率下降了18%。在加拿大Manitoba醫生罷工兩周期間,死亡率下降了20%。在British Columbia 的醫生罷工三周期間,死亡率下降了30%。在1976年的哥倫比亞Bogota醫生罷工52天期間,該市的死亡率下降了35%。在2000年以色列醫生大罷工期間,以色列最大的殯葬場(占處理全國死人總數的55%)在該月收到的死人數占1997, 19981999三年該月份平均數的60%,等於一個月的罷工期間死亡率下降了40%。在往前數的1973年,以色列為期一月的全國醫生大罷工,該月死亡人數下降了50%。在1983年以色列全國醫生大罷工長達85天的時間裏,全國死亡人數比以往同期死亡人數下降了50%





Heat shock Protein)的信息變化而導致免疫係統提高了效率。美國杜克大學的醫學家把病毒注入腦癌患者的大腦,突然間病毒進入,立刻激活了免疫係統,免疫係統就把癌細胞殺死(請Google搜索新聞報道)。對於心理作用如何誘發生理生化反應,醫學界還沒有搞清楚。我們知道,人很怕死,聽到震驚的消息便堅強了起來,巨大的心理反應便可引發戰勝困難的激情。一直吃藥,突然間藥停了,沒有醫生開方買不到了,那還得了!我不能死!我要活下去!這樣主動的活下去的心理便戰勝了過去被動地依賴藥物心理而導致壽命延長了。










DNA會被甲基化其結果是細胞早日進入衰老。科學家已經清楚,細胞衰老、細胞死亡是一個主動過程。更糟糕的是:在精子還沒產生之前經曆過饑餓的男孩,即使在他們有了生殖能力後不再經曆饑餓,他們下一代的孩子照樣縮短壽命。該理論早在上世紀初被蘇聯遺傳學家米丘林證明了,這就是那時著名的獲得性遺傳學。當時被西方尤其是美國哥倫比亞大學的西方現代遺傳學鼻祖---摩爾根學派斥之為胡言亂語的偽科學。所以,現在西方科學家不用米丘林的獲得性遺傳學而改用表現遺傳學epigenetics),其實二者說的是一回事。歐洲科學家的此項研究結果發表後被美國的《時代周刊》2010年第一期作為封麵報道過(封麵題目是:為何你的DNA與你的孩子不相符Why Your DNA Isn't Your Destiny)。隨著大饑荒時代漸行漸遠, 後代的壽命也就逐步延長,除非發生新的大饑荒而斬斷這一過程。




1 日本 83.4
2 香港 82
3 瑞士 82.3
4 澳大利亞 81.9
5 意大利 81.9
6 冰島 81.8
7 以色列 81.6
8 法國 81.5
9 瑞典 81.4
10 西班牙 81.4
11 挪威 81.1
12 新加坡 81.1
13 加拿大 81
14 奧地利 80.9
15 安道爾 80.9
16 荷蘭 80.7
17 新西蘭 80.7
18 愛爾蘭 80.6
19 韓國 80.6,
20 德國 80.4
21 英國80.2
22 比利時 80
23 芬蘭 80
24 盧森堡 80
25 希臘 79.9
26 列支敦士登 79.6
27 塞浦路斯 79.6
28 馬耳他 79.6
29 葡萄牙 79.5
30 斯洛文尼亞 79.3
31 哥斯達黎加 79.3
32 智利 79.1
33 古巴 79.1
34 丹麥 78.8
35 美國 78.5










昧名 發表評論於
幾年前我從澳洲來美國,驚訝於美國的民生行業竟然如此落後:醫療、健康(醫療不是健康)、教育(例如6所Naturopathic Medical大學那些誤人子弟的課程設計,如今已是7所大學控製著這個行業,但其實都是一樣地落後) 、銀行、網速、金融(高盛係統與其他中小證券行可說是天壤之別)、洛杉磯的城市規劃(別處幾個州我隻是走馬觀花,所以感覺還不錯。隻是深深體會到洛杉磯高速的到處賭塞是常態)等等。看著我媽被藥


益生菌 發表評論於
真的?? 發表評論於

British Medical Journal 2000;320:1561 ( 10 June )
Doctors' strike in Israel may be good for health
Judy Siegel-Itzkovich, Jerusalem
Industrial action by doctors in Israel seems to be good for their patients' health. Death rates have dropped considerably in most of the country since physicians in public hospitals implemented a programme of sanctions three months ago, according to a survey of burial societies.

The Israel Medical Association began the action on 9 March to protest against the treasury's proposed imposition of a new four year wage contract for doctors. Since then, hundreds of thousands of visits to outpatient clinics have been cancelled or postponed along with tens of thousands of elective operations. Public hospitals, which provide the vast majority of secondary and tertiary medical care, have kept their emergency rooms, dialysis units, oncology departments, obstetric and neonatal departments, and other vital facilities working normally during the industrial action.

In the absence of official figures, the Jerusalem Post surveyed non-profit making Jewish burial societies, which perform funerals for the vast majority of Israelis, to find out whether the industrial action was affecting deaths in the country.

"The number of funerals we have performed has fallen drastically," said Hananya Shahor, the veteran director of Jerusalem's Kehilat Yerushalayim burial society. "This month, there were only 93 funerals compared with 153 in May 1999, 133 in the same month in 1998, and 139 in May 1997," he said. The society handles 55% of all deaths in the Jerusalem metropolitan area. Last April, there were only 130 deaths compared with 150 or more in previous Aprils. "I can't explain why," said Mr Shahor.

Meir Adler, manager of the Shamgar Funeral Parlour, which buries most other residents of Jerusalem, declared with much more certainty: "There definitely is a connection between the doctors' sanctions and fewer deaths. We saw the same thing in 1983 [when the Israel Medical Association applied sanctions for four and a half months]."

Motti Yeshuvayov of Tel Aviv's only burial society said that he had noticed the same trend in the Tel Aviv metropolitan area in the past two months. The only exception to the trend of decreasing deaths has been in the Haifa area.

The coastal city of Netanya has only one hospital, and it has been spared the industrial action because staff have to sign a no strike clause with their contract. Netanya's burial society, headed by Shlomo Stieglitz, reported 87 funerals last month, the same number as in May 1999. It reported 97 in April compared with 122 in April 1999, and 99 in March as compared with 119 in March 1999. Mr Stieglitz said that his burial society services not only Netanya but also other cities, including Hadera and Kfar Sava, where hospital doctors have joined the sanctions.

Avi Yisraeli, director general of the Hadassah Medical Organization, which owns two university hospitals in the capital, offered his own explanation. "Mortality is not the only measure of harm to health. Lack of medical intervention can lead to disability, pain, and reduced functioning. Elective surgery can bring about a great improvement in a patient's condition, but it can also mean disability and death in the weakest patients. And patients who do not undergo diagnosis or surgery now could decline or die in a few months due to the postponement."

During the months of the strike, patients "have been going more to their family doctor and to hospital emergency rooms, which have not been affected by sanctions," Professor Yisraeli said.
Excerpt from: Confessions of A Medical Heretic
By Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D. Chicago: Contemporary Books, 1979, p. 114
(Note: By "Church" he is referring to the medical establishment, which he says is far more a religion than a science)
"How truly deadly the Church is comes into stark relief whenever there’s a doctor’s strike. In 1976 in Bogota, Columbia, there was a fifty-two day period in which doctors disappeared altogether except for emergency care. The "National Catholic Reporter" described "a string of unusual side-effects" from the strike. The death rate went down 35%. A spokesman for the National Morticians Association said, "It might be a coincidence but it is a fact." An 18% drop in the death rate occurred in Los Angeles County in 1976 when doctors there went on strike [note: it was a work slowdown] to protest soaring malpractice insurance premiums…. When the strike ended and the medical machines started grinding again, the death rate went right back up to where it had been before the strike.

"The same thing happened in Israel in 1973 when the doctors reduced their daily patient contact from 65,000 to 7,000. The strike lasted a month. According to the Jerusalem Burial Society, the Israeli death rate dropped 50% during that month. There had not been such a profound decrease in mortality since the last doctors’ strike twenty years before!

"I’ve been saying right along that what we need is a perpetual doctors’ "strike." If doctors reduced their involvement with people by ninety percent and attended only emergencies, there’s no doubt in my mind that we’d be better off."
*************************************************************************************************************************Extract from: Medical Journal of Australia 1999; 170: 404-405
The human element of adverse events
Is a certain level of error inevitable in healthcare?

Quality in Australian Health Care Study (QAHCS) (1) together with the Harvard study on which it was based (2), were groundbreaking studies that for the first time systematically revealed the nature and scale of iatrogenic injury in healthcare.

Morbidity due to healthcare appears to be a major public health problem, and it is very unlikely that this problem is confined to Australia and the United States. The QAHCS revealed particularly high levels of adverse events (AEs), in part because it took a broader, quality-of-care approach rather than one focused on negligence and compensation…..
….The findings from the QAHCS (5 years ago) suggested that each year 50 000 Australians suffer permanent disability and 18 000 die at least in part as a result of their healthcare. Further evidence emerged in 1997 with the publication of AE rates in Victorian hospitals (3). Since then, thousands more Australians have presumably been injured or died through deficiencies in the healthcare system. Furthermore, the QAHCS found that AEs lost Australia over three million bed-days per annum. In its interim report, the National Expert Advisory Group pointed out that the extrapolated potential saving from preventable AEs in 1995-96 would be $4.17 billion (4). AEs also lead to increased disability benefits and time lost off work, which all impact on the Australian economy.

1. Wilson RM, Runciman WB, Gibberd RW, et al. The Quality in Australian Health Care Study. Med J Aust 1995; 163: 458-471.

2. Brennan TA, Leape LL, Laird NM, et al. Incidence of adverse events and negligence in hospitalized patients. N Engl J Med 1991; 324: 370-376.
3. O'Hara D, Carson NJ. Reporting of adverse events in hospitals in Victoria 1994-1995. Med J Aust 1997; 166: 460-463.
4. National Expert Advisory Group on Safety and Quality in Australian Health Care. Interim report - Commitment to quality enhancement. July 1998.
Metro, May 11, 2005
Prescription Drugs 'kill 15,000 a year'

Thousands of people are killed each year by common prescription drugs, scientists revealed yesterday.

They suffer heart attacks because the medication disrupts the electrical activity controlling their heartbeat.

Seven drugs are said to present a danger, including the antibiotics erythromycin and clarithromycin.

The others are domperidone and cisapride, for gastro-intestinal disorders, and anti-psychotic drugs pimozide, haloperidol and chlorpromazine.

Dr Bruno Stricker said: 'Sudden cardiac death can be attributed to these drugs in around 9,000 people in Europe and 6,000 in the US.'

Researchers studied 775 cases of sudden heart deaths and found the seven drugs were responsible for 320.

They calculated this worked out to about 15,000 deaths each year across Europe and America.

The chances of someone in the West dying from sudden cardiac arrest is normally one or two in a thousand.

The risk for those taking the drugs was found to be up to three times higher - about three in a thousand. Patients who had been on the drugs for less than about 90 days were said to be in the greatest danger…"
Prescription drug reactions kill more than 100,000 a year

April 15, 1998

Associated Press
CHICAGO ¯ Bad reactions to prescription and over-the-counter medicines kill more than 100,000 Americans and seriously injure an additional 2.1 million every year ¯ far more than most people realize, researchers say.

Such reactions, which do not include prescribing errors or drug abuse, rank at least sixth among U.S. causes of death ¯behind heart disease, cancer, lung disease, strokes and accidents, says a report based on an analysis of existing studies.

"We're not saying, 'Don't take drugs.' They have wonderful benefits," said Dr. Bruce H. Pomeranz, principal investigator and a neuroscience professor at the University of Toronto.

"But what we're arguing is that there should be increased awareness also of side effects, which until now have not been too well understood."

The harm may range from an allergic reaction to an antibiotic to stomach bleeding from frequent doses of aspirin, Pomeranz said. The study, by Pomeranz and two colleagues at his school, Jason Lazarou and Paul N. Corey, did not explore which medications or illnesses were involved.

The authors analyzed 39 studies of hospital patients from 1966 to 1996. Serious drug reactions affected 6.7 percent of patients overall and fatal drug reactions 0.32 percent, the authors reported in Wednesday's Journal of the American Medical Association.

In the study, serious injury was defined as being hospitalized, having to extend a hospital stay or suffering permanent disability.

The most surprising result was the large number of deaths, the authors said. They found adverse drug reactions ranked between fourth and sixth among leading causes of death, depending on whether they used their most conservative or a more liberal estimate.

In 1994, between 76,000 and 137,000 U.S. hospital patients died, and the "ballpark estimate" is 106,000, Pomeranz said. The low estimate, 76,000 deaths, would put drug reactions sixth. The ballpark estimate would put them fourth, he said.

An additional 1.6 million to 2.6 million patients were seriously injured, with the ballpark estimate 2.1 million, he said.

More than two-thirds of the cases involved reactions outside hospitals rather than in hospitals, the authors reported.

Experts commended the study but disagreed whether the estimates are on target.

Dr. David W. Bates of Partners Healthcare Systems and Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston said the estimates may be high. One reason, he said, is that they may overrepresent large medical centers, which treat sicker than average patients, who are more prone to reactions.

"Nonetheless, these data are important, and even if the true incidence of adverse drug reactions is somewhat lower than that reported ... it is still high, and much higher than generally recognized," he said.

Dr. Sidney M. Wolfe, director of the consumer advocacy Public Citizen Health Research Group, said he believes the numbers are on target.

"I've read most of these studies, and they represent large hospitals, small hospitals ... a heterogeneous sample of the kinds of hospitals in this country, and include a whole range," Wolfe said by telephone Tuesday from Washington.
Prescription drugs put more than 250,000 in UK hospitals every year

More than a quarter of a million people are admitted to UK hospitals every year after suffering a serious reaction to a prescription drug, a new survey has found.

The drugs that are most likely to cause a serious reaction are aspirin, diuretics, warfarin, and the NSAIDs (non steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs).

The figure is a rough calculation based on the number of people who had been admitted to a group of hospitals with drug reactions over a six-month period in 2004. 

But the total is probably a gross under-estimate of the damage caused by pharmaceuticals.  Hospital doctors are notoriously bad at reporting drug side effects, and so it’s quite possible that many admissions have not been registered as such.

The survey also only attempts to measure those reactions that required hospital care.  Many, many others suffer at home – and may not even know that the drug is to blame.

The heart of the problem is the way that drug adverse reactions are captured.  Doctors are supposed to report all reactions on a ‘yellow card’ system that was introduced in 1964.  Its pioneer, Dr Bill Inman, once told WDDTY that he estimated only 12 to 20 per cent of all reactions are reported.  If this is so, the true level of admissions to UK hospitals from drug reactions may be closer to our own estimates of 1.2 million people a year.

And they wanted to ban vitamins?

(Source: WHAT DOCTORS DON'T TELL YOU - E-news broadcast. 258 - 18 May 2006, which in turn referenced BMJ 2006;332:1109 (
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